5 Interesting Freelancer.com Pages You Should Visit More Often

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At Freelancer.com, we value our users a lot. Everything we do has this specific purpose: To help our users have the best experience on our site. 

With that in mind, we constantly work on tools and resources that assist employers in getting their projects done and freelancers to find more work.


Aside from pages related to hiring freelancers and finding jobs, there are five other pages where you can get handy knowledge in freelancing, working with freelancers, and making the most of the website features.




Take the time to visit these Freelancer.com pages more often:




Check out some of the amazing work our freelancers have done on the website. From logo designs to website designs, and even architectural projects, you can get inspiration from the Showcase page. The best part is, employers can hire the freelancers behind the projects directly from the showcased entries.




News, tips, and inspiring stories straight from the Freelancer HQ -- these are what you can read on the Freelancer Blog. Learn the best practices in the freelancing world and startup scene from the blogs of our staff from different offices located around the world.



Have you ever had a question that nobody seemed to provide the answer? Or maybe you’ve faced an issue in a certain project and you needed some advice?


We all know there’s Google. But isn’t it better to post a question and get the appropriate answer straight from the platform you’re using to grow your freelancing business?


Experts is the perfect solution for situations like these! You can get advice from our top users on several topics. Got any doubts? Don’t waste another minute. Go ahead, ask a question.





If it’s only been a while since you’ve signed up with Freelancer, it’s expected that you have a list of questions; probably a long list.


How do you issue a payment? How do I get paid for my services? How does the contest work? These are very common questions we get from our new users. For anything that’s related to your Freelancer account and our website features, go straight to the FAQs page and find the answers right away.



The Support page is where you can find helpful articles, which you may take as the expounded versions of the answers you can see in the FAQs page. The articles are categorized under general, project, contest, payments, membership, and profile.


Don’t forget to visit these pages on a regular basis in order to get the best Freelancer.com experience you could possibly have!

Közzétéve 7 november, 2016


Marketing and Communications Staff

Anything tech and marketing related amazes me, and the urge to learn more about it becomes my new obsession! I am an extremely curious person, and there is nothing more fun than a good challenge! I love using the internet to learn new things, and share my knowledge with others!

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