Bluegill Scientific

A verseny összegzése

Company name is Bluegill Scientific. We are a distributor of scientific raman spectrometer laser instruments. Basically, these instruments use a laser to identify the DNA or molecular make up of a small sample of can crush up a leaf grow in a farmers field that farmer can identify whether pesticides, molds or fungus are on that leaf. They can point this laser at anyone walking through an airport and instantly identify if that person has an illegal substance or explosive powder on him/her. I want the website to have a very professional feel to it. The scientific lab equipment we sell ranges from laser spectrometers to very expensive glass distillation equipment. Attached is the logo that I had bought from a contest I supported on the freelancer website. Contemporary, High tech feel, PLEASE!

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

További hozzászólások

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