Dashboard Design For A Web App

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $559
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 35
  • Nyertes: AbodeGraphics

A verseny összegzése

Dashboard design. Layout and creative design ONLY. I already have developed the infrastructure.
This project is for someone to put together a creative modern design to my mock up. No coding no dev work just good old fashioned imagery.

The dashboard is for software that works out the profitability of a product.

The user will input the purchase price, sale price, quantity and pricing strategy and the software will spit out metrics confirming the profitability of the product. I have attached an image of the mock up design to give you a plan on what needs to be shown.

So the plan is to take my mock up and design a custom look that displays all the information in an eye catching easy to follow layout.

This should be a really cool job for someone who likes this type of design.

If you have designed a dashboard in the past feel free to show me I would love to see your work.

Also I really like the small details in design I think it separates the best from the good. It shows that some planning and thought has gone into it and I appreciate that in peoples work.

I will post the mock up very soon. Any questions feel free to ask :)

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Adrian did a great job. I will hire again.”

Profilkép Kordelectrical, Australia.

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • Vehement
    • 8 év telt el

    Please message me if you want that kind of layout style! I'm really interested to work with you! Thank you!

    • 8 év telt el
  • Kordelectrical
    A verseny kiírója:
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    Thanks everyone for your inputs. I have chosen the winner based on a very clever design that improved the UI I had been working on. Unfortunately I could only pick one winner but I have saved the names of the other designers that put up some great designs.

    • 8 év telt el
    1. AbodeGraphics
      • 8 év telt el

      @duduct - It's suppose to be responsive, no? ... i tried from the start to adapt to the most difficult layout...

      • 8 év telt el
    2. Vehement
      • 8 év telt el

      Cool! #Kordelectrical! Hope to work with you in the future!

      • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look #71 thanks.

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Prekhalabs
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi please have a look Mobile version you have requested #71 Thanks

      • 8 év telt el
  • cretivedesigner1
    • 8 év telt el

    Please see my replay on entry #70

    • 8 év telt el
  • Vehement
    • 8 év telt el

    Hai Kordelectrical,

    Can you please refer any changes to make it cool on my entry! Thanks!

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Vehement
      • 8 év telt el

      Can you please refer the changes!

      47 Thanks

      • 8 év telt el
  • heshamsqrat2013
    • 8 év telt el

    Please see my replay on entry #68 , Thanks for feedback

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Waiting for your response.....

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Hello Hitesh, sorry I have taken so long. I will check now

      • 8 év telt el
  • duduct
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi sir, Please check out #69 . I can continue modify if you like it and want to add some refinements :D

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi thanks for the upload

      • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir, please check #59 and #62 and give us your valuable response thanks

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir, please check #59 and #62 and give us your valuable response thanks

    • 8 év telt el
  • Kordelectrical
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 8 év telt el

    I will have a good look and get back to you. Thanks for the changes

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Prekhalabs
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi, please provide feedback on #56 #60 #61 #63 #65 thanks again.

      • 8 év telt el
    2. Prekhalabs
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi, please provide feedback on #56 #60 #61 #63 #65 #66 thanks.

      • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please check #66 thanks.

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir, please check #59 and #62 and give us your valuable response thanks

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please provide feedback on #56 #60 #61 #63 #65 thanks again.

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look #65 thank you.

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir, please check #59 and #62 and give us your valuable response thanks

    • 8 év telt el
  • Kordelectrical
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi sorry, have been caught up

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please provide feedback on #56 #60 #61 #63 thank you!

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look #63 thank you.

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please provide feedback on #56 #60 #61 thank you!

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir please have a look at our design #62 and give your feedback and rating

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look #56 thank you.

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el


      • 8 év telt el
    2. Prekhalabs
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi, Please don't forget to see our entry #56 #60 #61 Warm Regards

      • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    please look #62 and give ratings and feedback......

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    hi, please check #62 and rate the design...

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look at #61 thanks.

    • 8 év telt el
  • Prekhalabs
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi, please have a look at #60 thanks.

    • 8 év telt el
  • Kordelectrical
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello everyone, I am going to start to wind this project up. Happy to wait for anyone working on it otherwise I will chat just with the people involved.

    • 8 év telt el
    1. heshamsqrat2013
      • 8 év telt el

      please wait my submit new idea soon :)

      • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    hello sir, please check #59

    • 8 év telt el
    1. hitesh124
      • 8 év telt el

      we designed easy to understand and beautiful theme as per your requirement....please rate my design..

      • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    hello sir, we will submit our new design with in an hour please wait thanks..........

    • 8 év telt el
  • hitesh124
    • 8 év telt el

    Hello sir please wait we will submit our new design soon... Thanks

    • 8 év telt el
  • Vehement
    • 8 év telt el

    Please check my message on


    .Thank you!

    • 8 év telt el
  • Vehement
    • 8 év telt el

    Please check



    New design!

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Vehement
      • 8 év telt el

      Thank you!

      • 8 év telt el
    2. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Cool thanks

      • 8 év telt el
  • Vehement
    • 8 év telt el

    Hai sir can you give me some feedback so that i can improve my designs!

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi yes will definitely leave you some feedback

      • 8 év telt el
  • heshamsqrat2013
    • 8 év telt el

    ** can please to upload the image again with high quality or explain more about [ growth projections ] because not show clearly on the image :) ** and please see my replay on entry #41

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Kordelectrical
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Hi,Only use my mock up as a guide. You might be able to design a better version.

      • 8 év telt el

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