Design a T-Shirt - Daddy's Girl

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $75
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 38
  • Nyertes: jhepordo

A verseny összegzése

A simple typography design that says "Daddy's Girl" and "1 John 3:1"

+ It should have only 2 colors max
+ No major design elements. I want this to be mostly text but you can apply some simple design elements to make the font original. Make sure that the design elements are not distracting though
+ "Daddy's Girl" should be the main text and "1 John 3:1" should be smaller text
+ I have attached an image of the printing area of the t-shirt. That is the maximum size it can be but does not need to fill the entire area.

The winner should be able to give me the design in original files and a large PNG file with transparent background.

Ajánlott készségek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • pauloaug
    • 8 év telt el

    Also check #50 # too plz! Hope you enjoy it!

    • 8 év telt el
  • pauloaug
    • 8 év telt el

    Check #48 and #49 pls. Thx!

    • 8 év telt el
  • rabin610
    • 8 év telt el

    What are your printing restrictions?

    • 8 év telt el
    1. joshwiley
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      I just added an image to the brief that shows the printing area. You don't have to use the entire area but that gives you an idea of my restrictions. Thanks

      • 8 év telt el
  • mj956
    • 8 év telt el

    PLS CHECK #36

    • 8 év telt el
  • nasirali339
    • 8 év telt el

    My Entry #29 #30

    • 8 év telt el
  • nasirali339
    • 8 év telt el

    Dear, My Entry #21

    • 8 év telt el
  • Whew12
    • 8 év telt el

    #18 please

    • 8 év telt el
  • enriqueMatos
    • 8 év telt el

    Plse. check #16 Thanks!

    • 8 év telt el
  • jp747
    • 8 év telt el

    Hi! to all am amazed how one can put on a tee-shirt and print the sample logo on it - nice! Josh in case the font needs to be moved or changed just let me know .. regards all

    • 8 év telt el
  • ccasiel
    • 8 év telt el

    can it be hand-draw lettering?

    • 8 év telt el
    1. joshwiley
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      Yes, that might look really nice

      • 8 év telt el
  • berkszsanji11
    • 8 év telt el

    i've send a sample of my design hope you like it, and people know that we can have a authority to say that i am a son of God

    • 8 év telt el

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