Design an iPhone & Android App Mockup
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $300
- Beérkezett pályamű: 36
- Nyertes: sheikhsanath12
A verseny összegzése
I would like to see how great of design the freelancers can give.
All the information needed is int he zip file attached, and if you have any question please ask.
The prefer colors are pastel some like these:
Thank You!
Ajánlott készségek
Munkaadói értékelés
“Thank you for creating such a beautiful user interface for my software.”
MobileBlab, United States.
Nyilvános pontosítófelület
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Please, check #42 and my comment.
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I'm going to sumit in time. :D
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Please, dont close before time.
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Hey, Please view my designs in the entry #39 and provide your extremely valuable feedback on the same . Thank you! :)
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Please Check #37
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Please Check #36
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Please provide some reviews on #31
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please check #34 and give your valuable response.........
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Please check my design
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sir please check #30
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Remember that you don't have to copy my hand drawing design, you just have to make sure the functionality is the same.
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Please #sealed so anyone cant copy ideas from others, Thank you.
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please wait for my entry
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kindly Check #19
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Please check #7 and give us feedback Thanks
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Please check #5
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Working on it!!
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Hello there,
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Hello sir we are working on it......
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Please rate and review my entry #4
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Please wait for my entry
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please check the my contents...
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Please make the contest sealed.
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My skills:
1. Adobe Photoshop,
2. Adobe Illustrator,
3. Adobe Flash,
4. lnDesign,
5. Corel Draw,
6. Text Design Pro
I am waiting for your response.
I am able to use all types of communication methods and able to maintain your time schedule during the project is on.
Thank you for see my proposal and I look forward to you hire me.
Kinds & Regards
from your beloved freelnacer....- 8 év telt el
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