Design Paint for Old Time Camping Coffee Cup! 10" x 3"

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $100
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 4
  • Nyertes: juandelange

A verseny összegzése

Hello! (I will attach a more readable text of this section is attached as a pdf)

I am a film producer and public speaker and I would like to design the paint for a 14 oz tin camping cup that focuses on the central message of the keynote talks I give. The central message is around the power of the word "How."

I will be creating old-time tin camping cups that audience members can buy after the talk. On the front/back will be something related to the word HOW.

On the bottom of the cup will be the phrase "...have a nice walk."

I'd like the background color to be BLUE. Something classic and nostalgic.

The shape of the final product will be similar to the picture of the RED cup attached to this message.

The paint will be a gloss enamel.

I see the text and images as white or cream, but am open to suggestions.

The cup will have a chrome ring around the top lip of it and be white or cream inside - the same color as the text.

The manufacturer is getting the design specs, but for this contest estimate it will be 10" x 3".

An idea I was playing with is to make it look like an old tootsie roll pop wrapper.

Images from the stories I tell in the talk would be used the way the tootsie roll wrappers have them. Small silhouettes of items like:

Movie camera
Kid with Afro
Cowboy hat
Bass guitar
Round clock
simple car
ninja sai

Another idea is to have HOW in the center of both sides with lines of the above images in 2 parallel lines around the cup.

Again use any of those, all of those or none of those - whatever best fits your style.

I welcome all ideas.

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.


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