Event Flyer / Poster Design

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $90
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 22
  • Nyertes: boris03borisov07

A verseny összegzése

Dear Freelancer
I need a event party flyer for an electronic festival

About the party (information)
The Street Parade is the most attended techno parade in Europe, since the end of Love Parade 2010. It takes place in Zurich, Switzerland. Comparable to Berlin's Love Parade, the Street Parade is as of 2001 one of the largest techno parties in the world and the largest annual event in Zurich. Officially a demonstration for freedom, love and tolerance attended by up to a one million people, it proceeds along the side of Lake Zurich on the second Saturday of August

Information for the flyer:
Partyname: Klangstation (Klang means… sounded / tone / clang / ring )
Date: Sa. 13. August 2016
Location: Mishio | Bahnhof Stadelhofen | Stadelhoferstr. 10 | 8001 Zürich |
Time: 13:00 - Open End / Free Entry
DJ’s: Smashbrothers | Darrien | Bassjunkie |Cosmic Fly | Aki | Massiv Mood | Rochus | Mantis | Mikko Ono | Pausä

Show Misio logo (www.mishio.ch)
Show DesignPlanet Logo (www.designplanet.ch)
Show Smashbrothers Logo (www.smashbrothers.ch)
All are attached to the contest

Footer Section
www.mishio.ch | www.designplanet.ch | www.smashbrothers.ch |
Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com/smashbrothersdjteam (show FB Icon & Link)

Please do me a favor;
Do not use existing flyer/poster templates
Do not use clipart designs
Do not show handsup partycrowd
Do not show music notes
Do not show soundspeakers

What I am looking for is an eyecatching, unique design which is related to the partyname - Klangstation (Klang means… sounded / tone / clang / ring)

Design a flyer and facebook timeline cover.
Final files are PSD (layered), Illustrator (layered), Vector, PNG, JPG, PDF (print ready) min. 300dpi

Thanks in advance

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Winner of a Flyer Contest.Well done. ”

Profilkép youandme2010, Switzerland.

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • biplob36
    • 8 év telt el

    Great, let have a try .Thanks. :)

    • 8 év telt el
  • youandme2010
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 8 év telt el

    I have increased the prize and set it to seald. Awaiting creative designs ;)

    • 8 év telt el
  • chiqueylim
    • 8 év telt el

    #increaseprize and #sealed thanks

    • 8 év telt el
    1. Mack90210
      • 8 év telt el

      working on it

      • 8 év telt el
    2. youandme2010
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 8 év telt el

      #increaseprize and #sealed

      • 8 év telt el
  • tamarareddy
    • 8 év telt el

    #increaseprize #sealed

    • 8 év telt el
  • akidmurad
    • 8 év telt el

    Working on it :)

    • 8 év telt el

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