House furniture room render

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 1
  • Nyertes: josemillan9

A verseny összegzése

I'm selling a house but all the rooms are empty (only grey carpet and white walls)

I'd like some visuals of the rooms complete with furniture and ornaments to help customers visualise.


My house which needs doing:

Click on gallery and you will see room pictures.

Total rooms to do:
Lounge, kitchen, bedrooms 1/2 (same size), bedrooms 3/4/5/6 similar size

Please show me what you can do with the kitchen dining room - add kettle/toaster/plants/paintings/tv/sofa etc

Use vibrant colours so pictures stand out and get attention.
Use colour themes.
I'll attach low res pictures and give you a dropbox link for hi res images later

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A verseny legjobb pályaművei

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Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • Mcbene
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 5 év telt el

    Where to get images / ideas:,default,sc.html?cmpid=ppc-_-george-_--_--_-asda%20living-_-dskwid-s43700017848980924_dc&cwd=geo&cwf=pm&cwc=ppc-br&ds_kid=43700017848980924&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6J7YBRC4ARIsAJMXXscILVME2jSIFTl1HwbMdjBm_VxLsYNjQXXLabqX4YKIHBEij4QElD0aAuFqEALw_wcB&dclid=CPX0iPa3otsCFbcS0wodzIsKwQ

    • 5 év telt el
  • kyje20
    • 5 év telt el

    hello sir, I would like to verify if the $50 is just for rendered kitchen? or if it includes other parts of the house to be rendered? thank you

    • 5 év telt el
  • ArquiTech
    • 5 év telt el

    Just to verify... for $50 you need a render of the kitchen and if it is awarded you'll hire the winner to make the other renders? #increaseprize

    • 5 év telt el

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