House plan
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $269
- Beérkezett pályamű: 35
- Nyertes: Quay3010
A verseny összegzése
A contemporary house plan And exterior design.
The land is 402 meter. Legal building area 160 m2, basement and roof as additional.
Entry and first storey total can be only 160 m2 by law.
Entry level; open kitchen with great room with dinner room, one bedroom, one bath(shower only and toilet), chimney in great room.
First level; 2-3 bedrooms (one bedroom for parent), bathroom
Roof and basement free of 160 m2
Roof; loft room
Basement; one bedroom, cellar, others suggest.
270-300 m2 total area. (Entry and first level must be 160 m2 max by law)
Large deck, balcony, no dark places (basement accepted)
Design will be contemporary, modern looking; see samples of what I like
No closed car parking, just a place left side of building for two cars .(vertical)
Please see land;,28.9463994,3a,75y,237.06h,61.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sltUBOjuf16NYgBHdwSm2_Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=tr
Ajánlott készségek
Munkaadói értékelés
“he was good, he corrected some points after he was choosen very fast.”
skymaster, Turkey.
Nyilvános pontosítófelület
A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
I would like to thanks to all of you, all jobs I liked.
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További 1 üzenet-
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Firstly congratulation to mr Quay3010, he has an excellent job.I am sorry, I didn't update my job on time, however if you like my design, please contact to me, my email "". I will send to you my design floor plan and 3D. Of course it is free for you. Thank you!
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Thank you very much but, the plan is not right. Thank you for your offer.
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Hello sir, could you give me a feedback please? entry 39#
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please check my revision Sir.. #45 Thanks...
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please check #44 . i added loft, chimney, and max high 6.5m . thank you
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please check #38 . i was add loft roof. thanks
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please check my entry Sir. . #36 . . Thanks. .
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please check #32 . thank you
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please check #29 . thank you
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please check #28 thanks
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Feedback on entry 23 please
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Good morning sir. The roof should be inclined as in the other houses already built on this site?
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Sir, I will be uploading my work very soon
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please extend the date ...i ll give u the better piece of work
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Hello Sir, please check my entry #9 (extra time please). thanks
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I want more details about the design
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my email "" , thanks!
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Hello Sir, nice to meet you. i want that info too. Thanks.. i'll start working as soon as posible. Regards!!
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Hello. Can you give me the site plan with dimension? You can also give me sketch of the plan. And also the surrounding details. I am looking to your google site, but bit confused. It will be a good help. Thank you. My email Thank you.
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hey can you precisely explain the type of roof you want for the house
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
I am not clear about question or I do not have experiance to reply.
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Please send me roof types to my email
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let me more details
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
what kind of details you need?
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Please give me so more detail, my email is Thank you..
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Hello can you give me more detail about your need my email id is
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please give me more details, zevencontact@gm
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check my house sir and more details sir email me
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AIC Studio
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I want more details about the design. My email:
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Hello, please see attachments again and see google map link.
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Can you please provide site orientation? North/South? #sealed
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Please see attachements again, and see google map link
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do you have site plan of your land? are some buildings around? is the landscape flat or downy?
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Please give me your email
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Hello, please give me your email, thus I can send you details. I need floorplan and 3 D building.
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You can give more detail (site plan, location, similar design you need)?We are an architecture and engineering Italian firm with a good experience in design, projecting and realizing villas and houses
We are able to offer you the complete design with 3d models, photorealistic renderings and autocad drawings.
You can see our 3d renders in our portfolio. All the projects concerning our portfolio have been made with revit and post produced with photoshop
For further details, please contact me- 8 év telt el
A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Hello please give me your email
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Hello, please give me your email, thus I can send you details. I need floorplan and 3 D building.
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Hello Skymaster,
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Do you have a floorpland and want 3D design or you want a floorplan for permit?
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A verseny kiírója: - 8 év telt el
Hello, I need floorplans and 3D design for building. If you give me your email, I can send you details.
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