Kufi Logo and Branding
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $25
- Beérkezett pályamű: 45
- Nyertes: MoncefDesign
A verseny összegzése
I would like a kufi square logo design for a property development company.
Expecting only the word 'ameen' (as in honest and trustworthy) to be in arabic and maybe multiplied as three squres or four squres as the word mabe short?
Whole words of 'ameen property development' to be in English in a suitable font and corporate style.
Our company is 'ameen property development' all in lower case letters.
Prefer a bluish colour code, and will need a letter head and business card too.
Ajánlott készségek
Munkaadói értékelés
“Thanks for the hard work. ”
oziprince, Australia.
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