Logo Design for Divorce my jewellery

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $290
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 62
  • Nyertes: sikoru

A verseny összegzése

Looking for creative ideas for my clients new business, its an old concept so we need a fab new logo!

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Thank-you for the brilliant design, and going above and beyond with the variations needed plus and all the help navigating through my first contest. Very happy - thank-you Ron!”

Profilkép mindyinc, Australia.

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • mindyinc
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 13 év telt el

    Congratulations to Sikoru for his winning design!
    Thank-you to all of you for your entries - I appreciate all your hard work and creativity.
    Look forward to seeing you bid on some future projects!

    • 13 év telt el
    1. banto212
      • 13 év telt el

      congats sikoru!

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  • doarnora
    • 13 év telt el

    Congratulations Sikoru, see you on the next contest :)

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  • mindyinc
    A verseny kiírója:
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    Heelo - thank-you to everyone for all their hard work and creative ideas. Its now off to my client so I will award shortly. THANK-YOU!!!

    • 13 év telt el
  • Michele1984
    • 13 év telt el

    #145 ...my last one...good luck, and good night everybody!

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  • Michele1984
    • 13 év telt el

    #137 the cleanest version ever!

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  • Michele1984
    • 13 év telt el

    #131 #132 thanks!

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  • shakimirza
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    Please check My Concept #123

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  • tammydesign
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    #119 Thank you.

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  • doarnora
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    • 13 év telt el
  • doarnora
    • 13 év telt el

    #102 Thank you.

    • 13 év telt el
  • doarnora
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    #69 #71 #72 Thank you.

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Hi All! I did upload an idea to get started as I was getting any where close to my breif- and felt that it was just an interpretation of that, albeit very close to Sikoru.
      I will not chose a copy.

      • 13 év telt el
    2. doarnora
      • 13 év telt el

      Hi, my name is doarnora and i do not own #63 or #64 :) Good luck to everybody!

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  • danumdata
    • 13 év telt el

    Dear Sikoru
    If you feel I copy cat your design. But before I was read the brief the contest holder and I've also seen attached file DYJ_Ideas_diamondring.jpg and this is the interpretation my design. You can see attached files. And Dear Contest Holder of the judging contest is up to you.


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  • Michele1984
    • 13 év telt el

    #83 #84 #85 #86
    I tried to give more prominence to cash concept.
    Of course, they can be fully changed as you like.

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  • flatdesignz
    • 13 év telt el

    #82 seems you got the perfect IDEA, splitting the money and jewelry as a symbol of divorce.. nice work..

    • 13 év telt el
    1. imagewerks
      • 13 év telt el

      wow thanks.. you just said what i said..lolz
      anyway thanks..^_-

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  • imagewerks
    • 13 év telt el

    #82 . just having the idea of splitting the money and the jewelry as a symbol of divorce. hope to have a feedback. thanks..^_-

    • 13 év telt el
  • imagewerks
    • 13 év telt el

    just having the idea of splitting the money and the jewelry as a symbol of divorce. hope to have a feedback. thanks..^_-

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    • 13 év telt el

    Please check #80 #81 Thanks

    • 13 év telt el
  • doarnora
    • 13 év telt el

    Thank you.

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  • mindyinc
    A verseny kiírója:
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    Hi everyone - thank-you for all the new entires - loving some new takes on the brief. I will respond to all messages and rate very soon - sorry for the delay.

    • 13 év telt el
  • doarnora
    • 13 év telt el

    #54 #56 #58 #59 #60 Thank you.

    • 13 év telt el
  • maani101
    • 13 év telt el

    please check #51 and #52.thanks

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  • marques
    • 13 év telt el

    hey please check #45 ... it doesn't have any green dollars but i think it translates the concept without looking too busy. thanks :)

    • 13 év telt el
    1. marques
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      welcome :)

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    2. marques
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      thanks mindyinc - heart was just another play on the divorce theme

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  • eeshu
    • 13 év telt el

    #50..feedback plz.

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  • pertochris
    • 13 év telt el

    Hi, Please check #49 #48

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  • katestep
    • 13 év telt el

    Hi again!)I would like to know how do you like my new idea of the logo!waiting for the feedback.

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    1. katestep
      • 13 év telt el

      its 36

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  • mindyinc
    A verseny kiírója:
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    I'm getting very worried! None of these are anywhere close, I need a professional logo.
    and my brief clearly states
    "But the main thing it needs to immediately convey is that you can easily turn your unwanted jewellery into instant cash."
    Does anyone want to have a go at a creative interpretation of my uploaded concept - DYJ Ideas.jpeg?

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      won't work.....

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    2. AkashBro
      • 13 év telt el

      worry not, 4 day's are enough :)

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  • bellecreative
    • 13 év telt el

    Hey Mindy! :) Hope you are well! :) Just hoping you could give me some feedback on #20 if you have time! :) Thanks!

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Hi Belle, Thank-you for your entry and great interpretation of the brief! I like it but the "ring" doesn't look ringy enough to me - does that make sense?? :)

      • 13 év telt el
  • katestep
    • 13 év telt el

    hello, waiting for some feedback #24 -26!
    thank you

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Hi Katestep, Thank-you for all your entires, its great to finally start getting some logos close to brief! I think the coins underestimate/ undervalue what they will get for the jewellery, but I really like the diamond incorporated int o the text on #24

      • 13 év telt el
  • Hfbvm
    • 13 év telt el

    #13 a nice logo :)

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  • subhadiproy
    • 13 év telt el

    sorry.. but these desgns look like posters ..

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      I have to agree... a lot... I need a logo!!!

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  • marty1950
    • 13 év telt el

    Please review entry #8. Thank you...

    • 13 év telt el
    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Marty its way too busy and not logo-like enough , pls see my recently uploaded doc to see what I mean. As per Eslam I am really looking for a creative interpretation of my brief.

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    2. marty1950
      • 13 év telt el

      Please review #9 and let me know if this is more like what you require. Thank you...

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  • Eslam3Designs
    • 13 év telt el

    Please you opinion #7

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    1. mindyinc
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Hi Eslam - its getting more in the general direction but the arrow section is a bit too clip-art (sorry!) and needs refinement to make it more professional. I am still looking for something a bit more creative. But thank-you for your entry

      • 13 év telt el
  • mindyinc
    A verseny kiírója:
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    Hi Everyone - thank-you for your entires so far but we are not quite in the right direction.
    I would like something more illustrative (and less about the name) that conveys that "breaking-up with your jewellery gives you instant cash"

    I am no designer, so please excuse my crude design but I have uploaded a creative angle that might work - But more hopefully will get the creative juices flowing for some interesting ideas that are closer to what I was hoping for.

    It has also be pointed out to me that AUD $ is difficult for some Freelancers so I will try and change it to USD if I can.


    • 13 év telt el

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