Website Design for Active Motion Ad

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $1090
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 36
  • Nyertes: infocuspro

A verseny összegzése

Design for ad network website

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Thank you for your excellent design!”

Profilkép takaya2009, Japan.

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • infocuspro
    • 12 év telt el

    Thank you so much takaya2009, for awarding me on this contest, I'm very glad you like my designs! Thank you and I send you my best regards for you and your company!

    • 12 év telt el
  • infocuspro
    • 12 év telt el

    Hi, takaya2009, please check: #37 (Page 1), #38 (Page 2) and #39 (Page 3). Thanks and regards!

    • 12 év telt el
    1. justinforyou
      • 12 év telt el

      Congrats!!! :)

      • 12 év telt el
    2. infocuspro
      • 12 év telt el

      Thank you!

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  • patil1987
    • 12 év telt el

    pl feedback #41 and rate my design

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  • patil1987
    • 12 év telt el

    pl check #41

    • 12 év telt el
    1. patil1987
      • 12 év telt el

      hope u r online now, and will check my design #41,
      pl note, i have compressed design in Photoshop and then uploaded
      best regards


      • 12 év telt el
  • RockingGraphics
    • 12 év telt el


    Please check the designs posted.

    #36 - Page 1
    #35 - Page 2
    #34 - Page 3


    • 12 év telt el
  • proxlservice
    • 12 év telt el

    Moshi moshi, feedback for #33 (top page/main page design) please....arigato...

    • 12 év telt el
  • mijotichy
    • 12 év telt el

    Prolong the contest please, if it is possible..

    • 12 év telt el
  • justinforyou
    • 12 év telt el

    Hi Takaya,

    Please review #30 for the main page design. If that is fine I'll proceed in the same direction for the rest of the pages. For now I have used dummy images. Looking forward to your feedback.

    • 12 év telt el
  • zoreli
    • 12 év telt el

    Any chance to get any feedback any time soon? I can provide additional designs if you don't like those submitted, but please rate & review, criticize, ask for is very difficult to be creative without any response...

    Regards, Zoreli

    • 12 év telt el
  • zoreli
    • 13 év telt el

    Mr Takaya, is there any chance that you will post here some reference for the third page, which kind of options you will need for that page? Feedback & rating for the layout & design for first two pages will be deeply appreciated.

    • 13 év telt el
  • zoreli
    • 13 év telt el

    Mr Takaya, I really need the feedback, so I can know should I proceed with designing the other 2 pages with submitted design, or you don't like it, and I should start from scratch. Please review and rate submitted design, time is running...

    Regards, Zoreli

    • 13 év telt el
  • vectorstudios
    • 13 év telt el

    I was waiting for your feedback on 2nd and 3rd page so that i can improve them. thanks.

    • 13 év telt el
  • bygarces
    • 13 év telt el

    hi takaya,
    please, can you review my design ( #25 )? i'm working on the other two pages and i need your feedback.

    thanks a lot!


    • 13 év telt el
    1. bygarces
      • 13 év telt el

      btw, i'm using sample images to help you to visualize how it would works.

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  • zoreli
    • 13 év telt el

    Please rate & review #18 . It is just first page from the 3 requested, but I really need your feedback if you like the layout, design, colors, and if you like it, I will proceed with other two pages, otherwise I will start from scratch. Feedback & rating will be deeply appreciated.

    Regards, Zoreli

    • 13 év telt el
  • zoreli
    • 13 év telt el

    I will submit my design later tonight...joining the party

    Regards, Zoreli

    • 13 év telt el
  • vectorstudios
    • 13 év telt el

    #10 . Please review and let me know your insight ....Thanks.

    • 13 év telt el
  • Rflip
    • 13 év telt el

    Hi Takaya
    Check #3 rate and review, so we Know what to do to improve it and meet 100% of your needs
    This it's just a skech mockup just to understand better your need, That big blue square is just to mark where the page content will be, it won't be that color.

    Best Regards

    • 13 év telt el
    1. vectorstudios
      • 13 év telt el

      how about #1 and #2 ??

      • 13 év telt el
    2. Rflip
      • 13 év telt el

      Check #9 its lighter, no black how you like it?

      • 13 év telt el
  • patil1987
    • 13 év telt el

    even your site is not in English, pl provide url address of your website for designing mockup, for example 1st page for , 2 nd page for, /rightsnetwork/, and 3rd page will look like Thank You

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Would you use following sites as a reference?

      1st page ;
      2nd page ;
      Pls login with takaya2010/vivid2009 and see the report page
      3rd ;

      • 13 év telt el
    2. patil1987
      • 13 év telt el

      Thank You, i will send my designs very soon................

      • 13 év telt el
  • tania06
    • 13 év telt el

    Hi Takaya,

    Kindly check design #4 , #5 , #6
    I hope you'd like them

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Thank you for posting. I preffer 6 & 4. But I think that the blue color of main menu is so strong.

      • 13 év telt el
    2. tania06
      • 13 év telt el

      Thank you very much for your quick reply. Kindly check #7 & #8 with softer blue color.

      • 13 év telt el
  • vectorstudios
    • 13 év telt el

    hello there Mr. Takaya,

    Have you seen thwe #1 and #2 design and the PM message yet ?? Please see them and let me know your insight so that i can go further..please see the Private message i've sent you 10 hours ago! thanks.

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 13 év telt el

      PM is located on the top-right of this site, shows "inbox" right? If it's so, I don't have any message from you...

      • 13 év telt el
    2. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
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      If you OK, I can talk to you via Skype.
      My Skype id is takayatoyonaka.
      Also facebook name is Takaya Fujikawa.
      Please get in touch me via which one you preffer.

      • 13 év telt el
  • mijotichy
    • 13 év telt el

    Hello. I understood well that you want design similar to ?? Or this is only like "wireframe"?

    Facebook pages that you provided are for demonstration of content / functionality??

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 13 év telt el

      Those are just "wireframe".

      • 13 év telt el
  • patil1987
    • 13 év telt el

    give us just sample websites address, or layout for inspiration

    • 13 év telt el
    1. patil1987
      • 13 év telt el

      pl more specific for design layout

      • 13 év telt el
  • takaya2009
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 13 év telt el

    Updated sample file.
    This contains English menu.

    • 13 év telt el
    1. Nerflek
      • 13 év telt el

      That helps such a little, thanks.

      • 13 év telt el
  • zahirullx
    • 13 év telt el

    Hi, I am very optimistic of your contest. I do believe you will get quality and as you desire. since you are expecting only psd for the project , it is expected to get high standard in designing. Because, personally I observed many excellent designers are very weak in coding. they can do high standards in design. So, I think you will get much standard in your contest.

    • 13 év telt el
  • takaya2009
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 13 év telt el

    I updated sample pic.

    • 13 év telt el
  • takaya2009
    A verseny kiírója:
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    I've sealed.

    • 13 év telt el
  • wademd
    • 13 év telt el

    I agree with Zoreli. You will get much more quality in submissions. Otherwise you end up in a lot of similar entries and will get a lot of designers stealing from other designers.

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Ah, ok, I understood. If I seal this project, other providers can't post their design? Or they can post? Yep, I got very similar result on last contest.

      • 13 év telt el
  • zoreli
    • 13 év telt el


    Please seal the contest to avoid getting same designs over and over. Sealed contests get much better quality designs. I will start to work on the design, hopefully you will seal the contest until I done the design.

    Regards, Zoreli

    • 13 év telt el
    1. wademd
      • 13 év telt el


      • 13 év telt el
    2. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
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      Actually I'm not sure why if I seak this project can expect to get good result. Would you tell me why??

      • 13 év telt el
  • nsgrafic
    • 13 év telt el

    Do you only need the design of the website in PSD or does the website has to be functional, written in html, css.....

    • 13 év telt el
    1. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 13 év telt el

      only pdf is ok

      • 13 év telt el
    2. takaya2009
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 13 év telt el

      sorry, PSD

      • 13 év telt el

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