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    2,000 chanche prestashop theme munkát találtunk

    I have a WordPress website built with the Avada theme, and I want to convert the site to a new theme that uses the WP Bakery builder. The website consists of 1 page, plus a quote request form page and a successful quote request confirmation page. I have already set up a staging site with the new theme, and the header, footer, and some basic pages are done. ================================================== ** Please do not apply if you cannot start working on it within 1-2 days. ** ** Budget is around € 100, because the website only contain 1 page. ** ==================================================

    €131 Average bid
    €131 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Meglévő és működő, WordPress alapú, Salient theme-mel épített weboldalunkon néhány változtatást tervezünk, blogot indítottunk, ennek a finomhangolásához keresek designban és percizitásban is erős szakembert webfejlesztőt. Ha SEO / Google témában is tud segíteni, akkor még tudom bővíteni a projektet.

    €188 Average bid
    €188 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Design a set of 10 banner
    Véget ért left

    ...used: 5, 21, 31 4. Karácsonyi akció (Christmas theme to be used) Texts to be on the banner: Télapó ajándéka - minden 300.000 Ft fölötti rendelésnél 20.000 Ft kedvezmény Használja a karacsony kupont a 20.000 Ft-os kedvezményért Pictures to be used: 2, 23, 30 5. Ifjúsági bútorok Texts to be on the banner: Lepje meg gyerekét egy trendi szobával Minden ifjúsági bútorösszeállításra 15.000 Ft kedvezmény a gyerek kuponkóddal Pictures to be used: 1, 9, 10, 11, 12 6. Hálószoba összeállítások Texts to be on the banner: Részleteké...

    €29 Average bid
    47 pályamű
    Véget ért left

    Prestashop update Frontend hibajavitàs

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Project for Tamas U.
    Véget ért left

    Üdvözlöm Érdeklődni szeretnék, hogy van e mostanában kapacitása új projektet vállalni? Röviden: fordítás és Wordpress Theme installálás befejezése. Fix ár megegyezés szerint. Amennyiben érdekes, küldöm a részleteket :) Visszajelzését előre is köszönöm! Üdv: Nóra

    €240 - €240
    €240 - €240
    0 árajánlat

    1.6 -os prestashopra fejlesztett egyedi modul portolása egy az egyben 1.7 -re ( Symfony2) melyben tartalmaz EPL ( ZPL) címkenyomtató is.

    €467 Average bid
    €467 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Egy Houzez sablonnal () készített ingatlan hirdetési oldal fejlesztési munkáira keresek megfelelő embert az alábbiak szerint: - a oldalról való import (ingatlanok, ügynökségek) megvalósítása - Axel Pro számlázóval való összeköttetés - vannak különböző hirdetési csomagok, amelyeket automatikusan ki kellene számláztatni a kifizetésük után

    €154 Average bid
    €154 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Wordpress alapú ingatlanos oldalon lenne pár megoldandó feladatunk. Houzez (), vagy Wp Residence () sablonnal kellene megoldani az alábbiakat: - Barionos bankkártyás fizetési illesztés. Különböző Membership csomagok vannak, amikért különböző mennyiségű ingatlant tölthetnek fel. Mindkét sablonba Paypal, Stripe, illetve 2checkout van integrálva. - Számlázó program illesztés. - Regisztráció SMS megerősítéssel. - Az ingatlanhoz feltöltött virtuális túra megtekintése csak regisztrációval legyen lehetséges.

    €160 Average bid
    €160 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    Van egy niche weboldal az elavult Weaver II témában, hogy zökkenőmentesen mozdulok a jelenlegi Divi témához. Az elmozdulás alatt nem szabad leállni. Engedélyem van a wordpressre telepített Divi témára, és az oldal a megosztott Inmotion tárhelyen van. A végeredménynek mindenképpen működnie kell, anélkül, hogy a webhely szerkezetét és funkcionalitását megváltoztatná. Ez egy egyszerű weboldal, amelybe bejegyzések, oldalak, képmédia, widgetek és plug-inek találhatók a közösségi médiában, a SEO-bővítményekben stb. Nincs e-mail lista.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat
    Project for ozikS
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Szilárd, szükségem lenne valakire aki a webszájtomat (Prestashop) átnézné, kijavítaná az észlelt hibákat. Aztán végső tesztelést is végezne, hogy minden rendesen működik e.

    €7 - €7 / hr
    €7 - €7 / hr
    0 árajánlat
    Project for IPeter89
    Véget ért left

    Hello Péter, van egy Prestashop webáruházam. Még nem működik, de már minden adat fel van töltve, a fizetési rendszer is be van állítva, stb., Szeretném tudni, hogy részt tudna e venni az utolsó simításokban (több probléma felmerült ami még nincs megoldva). Szerintem 10 óra alatt , ha tényleg ért hozzá, majdnem minden problémát meg tudna oldani. Várom válaszát. James

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Project for szh123
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Hunor, Véletlenül akadtam rá az adatlapodra. Érdeklődnék, hogy woocommerce (wordpress) ügyben mennyire vagy jártas? A Bethesda Gyermekkórház alapítványától írok. Lényegében fut (úgy ahogy) egy honlapunk, amit én követtem el (). A minap frissítettem a woocommerce plugint és szétcsúszott az online adományozás rész. Csináltam backup-ot előtte és child theme-mel dolgozok. De bizonyos részek nem működnek a backuppal való downgrade után sem. Ebben kérném segítséged, ha úgy érzed megoldható a dolog. Túl sok időt vit...

    €10 - €10 / hr
    €10 - €10 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Job for people from Hungary,Serbia,Croatia. Pozdrav, trazim developera koji ima iskustva u editovanje WP tema i Paymen system ( Woocommerce) Na primer: Dodati jos 3 sekcija u WP theme,Editovati Woocommerce plugin. Üdvözlet, Wordpress Woocommerce plugin módositásában jártas szakembert keresek projekt munkára. Ha nem okoz neked gondot,hogy a WP témát kibővisd pl: 3 új 'section'-al vagy kicseréld a fizetési rész stilusát, akkor nyugodtan jelentkezz.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Design a vitamin box label with videogame theme'

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Prestashop 1.5 backend fejlesztése, miszerint új rendelés felviteli lehetősége telefonszám alapján (most e-mail alapján történik ez)

    €67 Average bid
    €67 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...simple, elegant, clean and neat look. Should inspire confidence seriousness and highlights the severity of cold warehouse. The need for professional and eye-catching. Contains Alylonen or Thelah only. Business card will be double-sided with the details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the physical vertical design should match the color theme logo / business card. Templates (for business card and letterhead) Is attached to design templates for your design in Adobe Illustrator format. You must delete all DESCRIPTIONS GUIDE / instructions TEXT. Prefer to write the company name in Arabic (ثلاجات المنظومة المتكاملة ) Please provide some suggestions for beautiful design of the identity of the company. Thank you in advance, and ...

    €421 Average bid
    €421 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    Meglévő, kidolgozott grafika alapján WordPress sablon felépítése. Megvásárolt sablonnal kellene dolgozni, újraszerkeszteni, az általunk megtervezett grafikára, belső tartalommal, widgetekkel, menükkel, 4 online űrlappal. Az oldalnak responsive megjelenésűnek kell lennie, támogatni a tabos és mobilos megjelenést....megjelenésűnek kell lennie, támogatni a tabos és mobilos megjelenést. Rendelkezünk egy meglévő WordPress oldallal, amiben minden funkció működik, tehát a pluginok már kész vannak és be vannak állítva - ezzel csak a grafikát frissítenénk. A grafika mintá...

    €235 - €705
    Kiemelt Sürgős Rejtett
    €235 - €705
    12 árajánlat

    Witam Chodzi o zainstalowanie wordpressa na serwerze, wgranie szablonu i wprowadzenie treści z psd. Proszę o koszt takiej operacji.

    €129 Average bid
    €129 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkoutra) - Kosár előn&ea...

    €127 Average bid
    €127 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkoutra) - Kosár előn&ea...

    €742 Average bid
    €742 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy Prestashop alapú webshophoz szükségem lenne egy olyan modulra, amivel a számlá rendszere kommunikál, és a webshop adminjából 1 kattintással hiteles számlákat lehet generálni. A számlá oldalán minden információ megtalálható arról, hogy miként kell a kommunikációt felépíteni, minta kódokkal stb. Bővebb infót itt lehet róla találni:

    €197 Average bid
    €197 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Egy Prestashop alapú webshophoz szükségem lenne egy olyan modulra, amivel a számlá rendszere kommunikál, és a webshop adminjából 1 kattintással hiteles számlákat lehet generálni. A számlá oldalán minden információ megtalálható arról, hogy miként kell a kommunikációt felépíteni, minta kódokkal stb. Bővebb infót itt lehet róla találni:

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I am seeking a frontend developer to build a responsive and user-friendly interface for an online store. This project requires adherence to a provided color palette and theme, ensuring visual consistency and appeal. Key Responsibilities: - Develop four main pages: a catalog page, a shopping cart page, a checkout page, and an order history page. - Ensure the design is functional and responsive for both mobile and web platforms. - Create a layout that allows for future backend integration. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). - Experience in responsive and user-friendly design. - Ability to work with provided design guidelines and themes.

    €49 Average bid
    €49 licitátlag
    61 árajánlat

    ...blockchain gaming solutions to design an Item Shop website for our blockchain-based game, DND Arena. This shop will be a hub for purchasing NFT-based items, featuring interactive elements like daily random item drops, horizontal scroll previews, and a dynamic user experience. Key Responsibilities: Design intuitive and visually appealing UI/UX for the Item Shop website that aligns with our theme. Integrate gamification concepts, such as reward mechanisms, limited-time offers, and daily engagement strategies, into the design. Collaborate with developers to ensure the seamless implementation of designs. Optimize the design for desktop and mobile responsiveness. Focus on usability and engagement to maximize user retention. Requirements: Proven experience in UI/UX desi...

    €1965 Average bid
    €1965 licitátlag
    73 árajánlat
    Abstract Portrait Sketch Artist
    23 óra left

    Freelance Live Sketch Artist Needed for Intimate Valentine's Event Event Details: Date: February 15, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM (artist required from 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM) Location: Wild Trumpets, London Theme: Creating deeper connections between couples Job Description: We are seeking a talented live sketch artist to join our special Valentine's Day event designed for couples. The selected artist will create quick and elegant couple portraits to provide attendees with a unique and memorable takeaway. Responsibilities: -Sketch live portraits of 10 couples during the event (1 portrait per couple). -Artistic freedom to express your skills. (the attached examples are for guidance not requests) -Ensure each sketch is completed in approximately 8-10 minutes. -Work with minim...

    €24 - €296
    Helyi Sürgős
    €24 - €296
    0 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced Joomla developer to upgrade my Joomla site from 3.9.27 to 4.4 The job involves ensuring the site remains functional post-upgrade, pa...experienced Joomla developer to upgrade my Joomla site from 3.9.27 to 4.4 The job involves ensuring the site remains functional post-upgrade, particularly the Adsmanager extension/component, as well as other existing extensions. Key Responsibilities: - Upgrade the Joomla site - Ensure the custom theme is compatible with Joomla 4.4 - Verify and maintain the functionality of all existing extensions, especially Adsmanager Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Joomla with extensive upgrade experience - Skilled in custom theme modifications - Familiar with the Adsmanager extension - Capable of troubleshooting and resolvi...

    €19 Average bid
    1 pályamű

    I'm seeking a talented illustrator to bring a realistic sci-fi theme to my board game. The illustrations will need to cover the game board and character cards. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in realistic illustration - Experience in board game design - Deep understanding and appreciation for sci-fi aesthetics - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging illustrations

    €130 Average bid
    €130 licitátlag
    64 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a WordPress expert to fully customize my cleaning website. Key areas of focus will be: - Theme Design: The website should have a modern and minimalistic style. - Plugin Integration: Needed for functionality enhancements. - SEO Optimization: Essential for improving site visibility. The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience in WordPress customization. - Strong skills in theme design, particularly modern and minimalistic styles. - Proven track record in plugin integration and SEO optimization.

    €406 Average bid
    €406 licitátlag
    224 árajánlat
    Design & Manage Bold Amazon Store
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for an Amazon expert to design my store and manage its content effectively. The store should have a bold and colorful design and will require: - Storefront Design: A captivating, bold and colorful storefront that aligns with the overall theme of the store. - Product Images: Creation of white background images that highlight the features of my products. - Banner Ads: Eye-catching, colorful and bold banner ads that will drive traffic to the store. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in e-commerce design, particularly on Amazon. A portfolio showcasing previous Amazon store designs will be highly regarded. Skills in graphic design and content management are a must. Please provide examples of your work that reflect a bold and colorful design aesthetic.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a UI Designer to create a colorful and vibrant landing page for our app. The main goal of this page is to motivate users to download the app, so it will need to be engaging and user-friendly. Key requirements include: - Designing a modern, responsive landing page with a colorful and vibrant theme - Incorporating app screenshots to give potential users a glimpse of what to expect - Strategically placing call-to-action buttons to encourage downloads Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in web design and development, particularly with creating responsive landing pages - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Experience with designing engaging, colorful and vibrant web pages - Ability to incorporate app screenshots into the desi...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 licitátlag
    98 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a modern and sleek flyer to promote an upcoming event. It will be distributed both online and as in-person handouts, so it needs to be versatile for both formats. Requiremen...the flyer design, please use the pictures and the text that's included in the Microsoft Word document that's attached. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience with a portfolio of modern and sleek designs - Understanding of event promotion and how to create engaging and effective promotional material - Proficiency in designing for both digital and print mediums. I want the color theme to be a Black History Month color scheme. I need a quick turn around! I will choose a winner within 24 hours. I need to present this to a school that is considering booking me f...

    €14 Average bid
    86 pályamű

    Prestashop 3 bugs fixed ..... product module .. user module and combination issue

    €200 Average bid
    €200 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a WordPress developer who can assist me with customizing the layout of my client's WordPress website. The main focus will be setting up the home page and subpages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress theme customization - Strong understanding of layout design - Previous experience with home page and subpages setup - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines It's a 2-3-hour task for a WordPress developer. Need a developer who can work a low budget. New developers can also apply. No agencies, please!

    €12 Average bid
    €12 licitátlag
    30 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled 3D animation professional to create a captivating plotting animation video centered around the theme of real estate. The primary purpose of this animation is to entertain, so a knack for storytelling and creativity will be key. Key Details: - The animation should be high-quality 3D, appealing and engaging for the audience. - The animation should revolve around the theme of real estate, incorporating elements of this field in an entertaining manner. - Ability to create a compelling and entertaining narrative within the framework of real estate is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating 3D animations, preferably with a focus on entertaining themes. - Strong understanding of the real estate industry or willingness to co...

    €137 Average bid
    €137 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    I need a skilled graphic designer to translate an illustration into Arabic. The task involves: - Translating the text to Arabic while keeping the same theme and font (I can provide the Arabic text) - Using a matching default font for the Arabic text - Adding my logo - Ensuring the color scheme remains consistent to our brand I need this task completed urgently today. The original image is in PNG format. If you have the skills and experience to deliver this project quickly and to a high standard, please get in touch.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 licitátlag
    56 árajánlat

    ...checkout page to let a logged in user select at shipping address from at dropdown list. When a shipping address is selected, shipping address fields should be populated automatically. A not logged in user should not see the dropdown. The user can create Shipping addresses from the account page and shipping address are saved in a database table with a userid. That is already in place. I'm using theme TwentyTwenty and the latest WP and WooCommerce. There is no need for styling. I'll provide the code for the plugin that creates the db table. You'll not get access to my environment. I expect bidders to give a brief explanation on how the job will be done. The job must bed done with custom plugin code. The prices i ask for is a fixed price for the whole project. ...

    €42 Average bid
    €42 licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer experienced with Elementor Pro. The task is to create a modern-styled home page template, similar to the layout of , using the Elementor Pro theme builder.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    194 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced Sketchup professional to create a modern-style house front elevation for me. Design Specifications: - The style is modern, featuring large windows, and clean lines. - Color theme is a combination of gray, black, and brown. I have reference images, which I will provide upon project commencement. Ideal Candidate: - This is going to be a small project where my reference image(s) for one project be converted to sketchup file - Proficient in Sketchup, with a strong portfolio of modern design. - Able to interpret and implement design specifics from reference images. - Excellent attention to detail and understanding of modern architectural elements.

    €39 Average bid
    €39 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled animator to bring my educational script to life through Vyond. The video is approximately 10 minutes long and is aimed at the general public. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Vyond with a portfolio of previous work - Ability to create engaging and clear an...skilled animator to bring my educational script to life through Vyond. The video is approximately 10 minutes long and is aimed at the general public. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Vyond with a portfolio of previous work - Ability to create engaging and clear animations suitable for an educational context - Experience in creating content targeted at the general public. Please note, the style or theme for the animation is flexible and can be discussed. Your creativity in visualising the scr...

    €109 Average bid
    €109 licitátlag
    29 árajánlat

    ...symbolizing creativity, energy, and hope. The background will include abstract geometric shapes that suggest movement and growth, representing the dynamic potential of youth. Visual Elements: In the center, an image of a young person looking upward, symbolizing ambition and vision, will be the focal point. Surrounding them, the phrase "Dream Big" will be in large, modern typography, emphasizing the theme of empowerment and the limitless possibilities ahead. Below, a smaller section will display event details in clear, easy-to-read fonts, offering date, time, location, and call-to-action ("Join us in building the future!"). Tone and Style: The design will blend contemporary aesthetics with an optimistic, inspiring tone, appealing to young individuals eager to...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    56 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a web designer who can help me enhance the user experience of my spiritual website. The primary focus will be on improving navigation and usability, while also ensuring content accessibility and mobile optimization. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio in UX-focused redesigns - Experience with traditional and spiritual aesthetics - Ski...improving navigation and usability, while also ensuring content accessibility and mobile optimization. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio in UX-focused redesigns - Experience with traditional and spiritual aesthetics - Skills in improving website navigation and usability - Knowledge of mobile optimization best practices Your task will be to give my site a 'traditional and spiritual' design theme, while also maki...

    €248 Average bid
    €248 licitátlag
    77 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled designer to revamp my existing logo. The new design should be modern and utilize a combination of both text and an icon or symbol. I'm particularly interested in a design that incorporates existing bright and vibrant colors. The theme should be country music focused and hold a strong connection to the existing logo. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of modern design trends - Experience with logo design - Ability to work with vibrant color palettes - Excellent communication skills to understand and execute my vision. Current logo attached

    €30 Average bid
    201 pályamű
    Modern Hindi Logo Design
    6 nap left

    I need a skilled designer to create a modern logo by merg...merging two Hindi letters. The logo should convey a contemporary feel while utilizing a monochromatic color scheme. I need atleast 5 different design options to choose from. - Style: The logo should embody a modern aesthetic, differentiating itself from traditional designs. - Color: Use a single color with different shades to create depth and interest without straying from the monochromatic theme. - Typography: The text in the logo should be in a Serif font. This should give the logo a classic, traditional twist while keeping the overall design modern. Ideal candidates should have experience in logo design, a strong understanding of color theory and typography, and a portfolio showcasing modern designs with traditional...

    €41 Average bid
    €41 licitátlag
    65 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a skilled video editor to work on a video of less than 5 minutes. The editing requires the application of advanced effects and animations. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with advanced effects and animations - Attention to detail - Creativity in visual storytelling - Experience with color grading a...and animations. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with advanced effects and animations - Attention to detail - Creativity in visual storytelling - Experience with color grading and correction - Proficiency in sound design and audio editing - Ability to create and integrate motion graphics - Experience with 3D modeling and animation The video should focus on the theme of Instagram trolling and st...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented Shopify E Commerce Developer to set up a one-time store for me. This store will focus on selling Women's clothing, and needs to have: - A stylish and sophisticated 'Elegant' theme - A fully functional pre-sales feature - An intuitive and appealing store front for Sustainable Fashion Ideal candidates for this role should have robust experience in Shopify store development, particularly in the fashion sector. A keen eye for 'Elegant' design, coupled with the technical skills necessary to set up a pre-sales function, will be highly advantageous.

    €106 Average bid
    €106 licitátlag
    45 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an icon-based, hand-drawn style logo that conveys a technology theme. The design should be a combination of graphic design and HTML designing, with a clear focus on the creation of a unique, engaging, and suitable tech-related icon. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of an icon-based, hand-drawn style logo - Incorporation of a technology-related theme - Seamless integration of graphic design and HTML designing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design - Experience in HTML designing - Strong understanding and ability in creating minimalist, detailed and intricate, and hand-drawn style icons - Proven track record in designing technology-related logos - Creative thinking and ability to deliver unique designs

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    ...User-Friendly: The site must function seamlessly across all devices, with smooth navigation to ensure a positive user experience. - Performance-Focused: It is imperative that the website is optimized for high traffic without experiencing lag or downtime. Fast load times will be a key performance feature. - Branding Support: I will need assistance with logo design to ensure it aligns with the overall theme of the website. - Hosting & Deployment: The project will include help in securely setting up and hosting the website. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Strong graphic design skills with the ability to create unique, engaging visuals. - Excellent understanding of website performance optimization. - Experience in branding, p...

    €72 Average bid
    €72 licitátlag
    41 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create some T-shirt graphics for my clothing brand. The designs should be illustrative and centered around a villain theme. If you have experience with creating engaging, unique illustrations, especially for clothing, I would love to see your portfolio. Key requirements: - Expertise in graphic design and illustration - Experience designing T-shirt graphics - Ability to create work centered around a specific theme - Portfolio demonstrating previous clothing brand collaborations Please apply with your relevant samples and let's create some amazing designs together!

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    ...handling bulk product imports and inventory updates. -Database and performance optimization strategies for managing millions of SKUs. and Tools: -Suggestions for must-have apps to streamline: -Product management. -SEO and site speed optimization. -Advanced search and filtering. -Multilingual and multi-currency support. -Integration of third-party tools (e.g., ERP, PIMS). 3.Theme and Design: -Advice on selecting and customizing themes for large catalogs. -Creating a user-friendly interface with advanced filtering and search options. -Ensuring SEO optimization and fast page load times. 4.Multi-Store Strategy: -Best practices for launching and managing 15 Shopify websites. -Creating a skeletal structure and checklist for setting up stores efficiently. -Centralized p...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional to design a PowerPoint master slide template. The style should be simple and minimalist, using a neutral color scheme. Key requirements include: - Incorporating neutral tones (beige, taupe, ivory) into the design - Creating a title slide, content slide, and section header slide in the master template - Based on Theme "Agricultural Crops" including creative graphics Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, experience with PowerPoint, and an understanding of minimalist design principles. This is a small project needed within few hours. Company logo will be provided

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    91 árajánlat