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    Munka státusza
    2,000 prestashop theme buy munkát találtunk

    I have a WordPress website built with the Avada theme, and I want to convert the site to a new theme that uses the WP Bakery builder. The website consists of 1 page, plus a quote request form page and a successful quote request confirmation page. I have already set up a staging site with the new theme, and the header, footer, and some basic pages are done. ================================================== ** Please do not apply if you cannot start working on it within 1-2 days. ** ** Budget is around € 100, because the website only contain 1 page. ** ==================================================

    €130 Average bid
    €130 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Meglévő és működő, WordPress alapú, Salient theme-mel épített weboldalunkon néhány változtatást tervezünk, blogot indítottunk, ennek a finomhangolásához keresek designban és percizitásban is erős szakembert webfejlesztőt. Ha SEO / Google témában is tud segíteni, akkor még tudom bővíteni a projektet.

    €187 Average bid
    €187 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Design a set of 10 banner
    Véget ért left

    ...used: 5, 21, 31 4. Karácsonyi akció (Christmas theme to be used) Texts to be on the banner: Télapó ajándéka - minden 300.000 Ft fölötti rendelésnél 20.000 Ft kedvezmény Használja a karacsony kupont a 20.000 Ft-os kedvezményért Pictures to be used: 2, 23, 30 5. Ifjúsági bútorok Texts to be on the banner: Lepje meg gyerekét egy trendi szobával Minden ifjúsági bútorösszeállításra 15.000 Ft kedvezmény a gyerek kuponkóddal Pictures to be used: 1, 9, 10, 11, 12 6. Hálószoba összeállítások Texts to be on the banner: Részleteké...

    €29 Average bid
    47 pályamű
    Véget ért left

    Prestashop update Frontend hibajavitàs

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Project for Tamas U.
    Véget ért left

    Üdvözlöm Érdeklődni szeretnék, hogy van e mostanában kapacitása új projektet vállalni? Röviden: fordítás és Wordpress Theme installálás befejezése. Fix ár megegyezés szerint. Amennyiben érdekes, küldöm a részleteket :) Visszajelzését előre is köszönöm! Üdv: Nóra

    €238 - €238
    €238 - €238
    0 árajánlat

    1.6 -os prestashopra fejlesztett egyedi modul portolása egy az egyben 1.7 -re ( Symfony2) melyben tartalmaz EPL ( ZPL) címkenyomtató is.

    €464 Average bid
    €464 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Egy Houzez sablonnal () készített ingatlan hirdetési oldal fejlesztési munkáira keresek megfelelő embert az alábbiak szerint: - a oldalról való import (ingatlanok, ügynökségek) megvalósítása - Axel Pro számlázóval való összeköttetés - vannak különböző hirdetési csomagok, amelyeket automatikusan ki kellene számláztatni a kifizetésük után

    €152 Average bid
    €152 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Wordpress alapú ingatlanos oldalon lenne pár megoldandó feladatunk. Houzez (), vagy Wp Residence () sablonnal kellene megoldani az alábbiakat: - Barionos bankkártyás fizetési illesztés. Különböző Membership csomagok vannak, amikért különböző mennyiségű ingatlant tölthetnek fel. Mindkét sablonba Paypal, Stripe, illetve 2checkout van integrálva. - Számlázó program illesztés. - Regisztráció SMS megerősítéssel. - Az ingatlanhoz feltöltött virtuális túra megtekintése csak regisztrációval legyen lehetséges.

    €159 Average bid
    €159 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    Van egy niche weboldal az elavult Weaver II témában, hogy zökkenőmentesen mozdulok a jelenlegi Divi témához. Az elmozdulás alatt nem szabad leállni. Engedélyem van a wordpressre telepített Divi témára, és az oldal a megosztott Inmotion tárhelyen van. A végeredménynek mindenképpen működnie kell, anélkül, hogy a webhely szerkezetét és funkcionalitását megváltoztatná. Ez egy egyszerű weboldal, amelybe bejegyzések, oldalak, képmédia, widgetek és plug-inek találhatók a közösségi médiában, a SEO-bővítményekben stb. Nincs e-mail lista.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat
    Project for ozikS
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Szilárd, szükségem lenne valakire aki a webszájtomat (Prestashop) átnézné, kijavítaná az észlelt hibákat. Aztán végső tesztelést is végezne, hogy minden rendesen működik e.

    €7 - €7 / hr
    €7 - €7 / hr
    0 árajánlat
    Project for IPeter89
    Véget ért left

    Hello Péter, van egy Prestashop webáruházam. Még nem működik, de már minden adat fel van töltve, a fizetési rendszer is be van állítva, stb., Szeretném tudni, hogy részt tudna e venni az utolsó simításokban (több probléma felmerült ami még nincs megoldva). Szerintem 10 óra alatt , ha tényleg ért hozzá, majdnem minden problémát meg tudna oldani. Várom válaszát. James

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Project for szh123
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Hunor, Véletlenül akadtam rá az adatlapodra. Érdeklődnék, hogy woocommerce (wordpress) ügyben mennyire vagy jártas? A Bethesda Gyermekkórház alapítványától írok. Lényegében fut (úgy ahogy) egy honlapunk, amit én követtem el (). A minap frissítettem a woocommerce plugint és szétcsúszott az online adományozás rész. Csináltam backup-ot előtte és child theme-mel dolgozok. De bizonyos részek nem működnek a backuppal való downgrade után sem. Ebben kérném segítséged, ha úgy érzed megoldható a dolog. Túl sok időt vit...

    €10 - €10 / hr
    €10 - €10 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Job for people from Hungary,Serbia,Croatia. Pozdrav, trazim developera koji ima iskustva u editovanje WP tema i Paymen system ( Woocommerce) Na primer: Dodati jos 3 sekcija u WP theme,Editovati Woocommerce plugin. Üdvözlet, Wordpress Woocommerce plugin módositásában jártas szakembert keresek projekt munkára. Ha nem okoz neked gondot,hogy a WP témát kibővisd pl: 3 új 'section'-al vagy kicseréld a fizetési rész stilusát, akkor nyugodtan jelentkezz.

    €144 Average bid
    €144 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Design a vitamin box label with videogame theme'

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Prestashop 1.5 backend fejlesztése, miszerint új rendelés felviteli lehetősége telefonszám alapján (most e-mail alapján történik ez)

    €67 Average bid
    €67 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...simple, elegant, clean and neat look. Should inspire confidence seriousness and highlights the severity of cold warehouse. The need for professional and eye-catching. Contains Alylonen or Thelah only. Business card will be double-sided with the details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the physical vertical design should match the color theme logo / business card. Templates (for business card and letterhead) Is attached to design templates for your design in Adobe Illustrator format. You must delete all DESCRIPTIONS GUIDE / instructions TEXT. Prefer to write the company name in Arabic (ثلاجات المنظومة المتكاملة ) Please provide some suggestions for beautiful design of the identity of the company. Thank you in advance, and ...

    €418 Average bid
    €418 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    Meglévő, kidolgozott grafika alapján WordPress sablon felépítése. Megvásárolt sablonnal kellene dolgozni, újraszerkeszteni, az általunk megtervezett grafikára, belső tartalommal, widgetekkel, menükkel, 4 online űrlappal. Az oldalnak responsive megjelenésűnek kell lennie, támogatni a tabos és mobilos megjelenést....megjelenésűnek kell lennie, támogatni a tabos és mobilos megjelenést. Rendelkezünk egy meglévő WordPress oldallal, amiben minden funkció működik, tehát a pluginok már kész vannak és be vannak állítva - ezzel csak a grafikát frissítenénk. A grafika mintá...

    €233 - €700
    Kiemelt Sürgős Rejtett
    €233 - €700
    12 árajánlat

    Witam Chodzi o zainstalowanie wordpressa na serwerze, wgranie szablonu i wprowadzenie treści z psd. Proszę o koszt takiej operacji.

    €128 Average bid
    €128 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkoutra) - Kosár előn&ea...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkoutra) - Kosár előn&ea...

    €736 Average bid
    €736 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy Prestashop alapú webshophoz szükségem lenne egy olyan modulra, amivel a számlá rendszere kommunikál, és a webshop adminjából 1 kattintással hiteles számlákat lehet generálni. A számlá oldalán minden információ megtalálható arról, hogy miként kell a kommunikációt felépíteni, minta kódokkal stb. Bővebb infót itt lehet róla találni:

    €195 Average bid
    €195 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Egy Prestashop alapú webshophoz szükségem lenne egy olyan modulra, amivel a számlá rendszere kommunikál, és a webshop adminjából 1 kattintással hiteles számlákat lehet generálni. A számlá oldalán minden információ megtalálható arról, hogy miként kell a kommunikációt felépíteni, minta kódokkal stb. Bővebb infót itt lehet róla találni:

    €144 Average bid
    €144 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to build a Prestashop-based e-commerce website for me (doesn't have to be prestashop). The site will feature around 10 types of products, each with its own custom page detailing technical specifications. Key Features: - Standard pages including homepage, products, contact, about us, and shopping cart. - Custom product pages displaying technical specifications. - Fixed price per unit measurement for product pricing based on dimensions. I'm open to discussing the specifics of the project with a capable professional. Ideally, you should have: - Proficiency in Prestashop with a strong portfolio of e-shop developments. - Experience in creating custom product pages and dynamic pricing models. - Understanding of i...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    88 árajánlat

    As discussed for the next month of SEO work.

    €130 Average bid
    €130 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a highly skill...historical stock price volume The system should also be able to recognize a wide range of advanced chart patterns, not limited to, but including: - Head and shoulders - Cup and handle - Double tops/bottoms The ultimate goal of this system is to provide detailed market insights and forecasts. Specifically, I want the system to be able to predict the next price target for a given stock and generate buy/sell signals based on its analysis of historical price trends and technical indicators. Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in financial market analysis, data science and machine learning. Proficiency in programming languages such as Python or R, and experience with data visualization tools will be a signifi...

    €217 Average bid
    €217 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat BUY STOP orders at the Upper Limit Price and undertake SELL STOP orders at the Lower Limit Price (as a hedge) Let’s assume that the current market price is $100. The user specifies Initial Trade = Long and sets the Upper Limit Price to $105 and the Lower Limit Price to $95. Once the price reaches $105, the trading engine executes a BUY STOP order, in the process initiating a long position. If the market moves to take profit, the long position is closed. If however, the price moves down to $95, the trading engine opens a SELL STOP order as a hedge. The quantity of this order is the initial quantity X hedge multiplier. If the initial order was 100 units and the hedge multiplier was 1.2, the size of the hedge (in the form of a SELL STOP) would be 120 units. Not...

    €174 Average bid
    €174 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a sophisticated Fivem Spoofer with the ability to spoof ...IP address with a different one. - Spoof Hardware ID: It should also have the capability to change the hardware ID to enhance user anonymity. Additional Requirements: - Multi-platform: The spoofer should work seamlessly across Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. - Customizable Theme: I prefer a design that can be customized with different themes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in C++ and network security. - Prior experience in developing spoofing software. - Familiarity with cross-platform development and theme customization. If you possess these skills and can deliver a reliable, user-friendly Fivem Spoofer with the aforementioned features, I would love ...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    ...high-frequency trading. Required Features: Command-line interface for buy/sell operations on Ubuntu server Integration with Helius RPC (developer plan) and/or Bloxroute (free tier) Support for both Raydium and Jupiter aggregator Transaction optimization using Jito bundles Dynamic compute unit and fee optimization Detailed transaction monitoring and reporting Technical Requirements: Transaction Speed: Target execution time: 2-3 seconds maximum Optimized for shared RPC performance Fast confirmation prioritization Command Structure: Simple CLI commands: node tokenaddress and node tokenaddress Configurable SOL amount for initial buy Automatic full position liquidation for sells Performance Monitoring Output: Buy Transaction: Time started Time confirmed Jito fees S...

    €192 Average bid
    €192 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a digital flyer for promoting my e-rickshaw dealership. The primary goal of this flyer is to generate leads, so it needs to be engaging and persuasive. Key Aspects: - The flyer will be primarily distributed via social media, so it needs to be visually appealing and easy to read on a variety of screen sizes. - The theme of the flyer should be 'Eco-friendly and natural', reflecting the sustainable nature of e-rickshaws. - Experience with social media marketing and understanding of lead generation tactics would be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing - Lead Generation Strategies - Understanding of Eco-Friendly Themes

    €16 Average bid
    €16 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat
    MESOE Social Media
    6 nap left

    ...3 months, working on social media content for the Middle East Summit of Excellence 2025. The ideal candidate will have experience in designing high-quality visuals and short-form videos tailored for professional and engaging social media campaigns. Scope of Work Deliverables: 3 social media posts per day (graphics and/or short-form videos) Content must align with the brand guidelines and event theme Formats optimized for Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms Occasional requests for carousel posts, reels, and animated motion graphics Posts should highlight award winners, keynote speakers, sponsors, event milestones, and engagement content Key Responsibilities Design eye-catching and professional static and animated social media graphics Create short-form videos (10-60 seconds)...

    €131 Average bid
    €131 licitátlag
    38 árajánlat

    ...ask price (buying price). • Fetch and track the asset bid price (selling price). • Price Matching Logic: • Identify arbitrage opportunities when the lowest ask price (buy) on one exchange is less than the highest bid price (sell) on another exchange. • Ensure that the selling amount of the digital asset in Exchange B is less than or equal to the available buying amount in Exchange A. 2. Profit Calculation: • Include calculations for: • Buy and sell prices. • Exchange fees. • Gas fees (on Solana). • Overall profitability of the arbitrage opportunity. 3. Bot Trading: • Automate the following: • Execution of buy/sell orders based on identified opportunities. • Ensuring trades are executed within ...

    €561 Average bid
    €561 licitátlag
    32 árajánlat
    Magento 1 to 2 Migration
    6 nap left

    We are upgrading to Magento 2 and need our Magento 1 data migrated If you have not done a Magento data migration in the past and cannot show me proof of doing this successfully do not apply. ONLY BID IF YOU HAVE DONE SIMILAR PROJECT IN PAST We expect these things to be done: - Install Magento 2 & theme (suggest theme) - Data Migration from M1 to M2 - Extensions install - Minor Design updates

    €529 Average bid
    €529 licitátlag
    38 árajánlat

    Formatting PPT with some good info graphics and better fonts

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled Shopify developer to create a new store that mirrors with a unique theme tailored for health products. The store should incorporate essential functionalities like customer reviews, a subscription option, and live chat support. Key Responsibilities: - Cloning Store A's theme and layout, with bespoke adjustments for health products - Implementing customer reviews, subscription option, and live chat support - Ensuring the store is fully functional and user-friendly Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify - Excellent understanding of health product e-commerce - Proficient in setting up customer reviews, subscription options and live chat support on Shopify - Creative in designing unique store themes

    €193 Average bid
    €193 licitátlag
    136 árajánlat

    Hello, I am seeking an experienced and skilled developer to create a Telegram bot for my business that delivers real-time notifications of new items listed on Facebook Marketplace. The bot will serve two purposes: 1. Personal Use: To assist me in buying and reselling phones by tracking listings in my area. 2. Business Service: To provide bot services to other businesses or individuals who buy and sell items in different cities and categories across the United States. Core Requirements: 1. Real-Time Notifications: • The bot must pull real-time data from Facebook Marketplace and send immediate notifications for new listings based on specified categories and zip codes. • The categories include: • iPhones • Samsungs • MacBooks • iPads • Car...

    €675 Average bid
    €675 licitátlag
    46 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a creative writer to help me craft inviting messages to encourage people to watch my YouTube vlogs. Details: - My channel revolves around food, so the messages should reflect that theme. - The tone of the messages should be casual and friendly. - Ideally, you should have a good understanding of the vlog and YouTube culture, particularly in the food niche. Skills & Experience: - Strong command of the Malay language. - Experience in content creation or social media promotion. - Understanding and passion for food vlogs.

    €214 Average bid
    €214 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a WordPre...for this job should have: - A strong command of WordPress, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Proven experience with responsive design and troubleshooting video scaling issues. - Familiarity with handling a premium WordPress theme and video plugins. The Fix Should: - Ensure the header's background videos are fully responsive and fit seamlessly on all mobile devices. - Preserve the design integrity of the desktop version. - Be a clean, optimized solution that doesn't compromise the site's performance. The videos are in MP4 format. You'll be working with a premium WordPress theme. The issue is particularly noticeable on smartphones. Your expertise will help enhance the mobile experience, giving users a seamless browsing experienc...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    I need a skilled web developer to migrate my Shopify theme to WordPress.

    €104 Average bid
    €104 licitátlag
    63 árajánlat

    ...candy friends. The reason for the abstract design page and logo is because I’m starting a mobile Candy truck and I need inspiration to vinyl wrap the bus. Here is the info for you to draw inspiration. I will also load an image of sprinkles, the lead character for the company. Don’t stir away from the image. Abstract Branding Page for Sugar Rush Candy Co. & Logo 1. Key Concept and Vision Theme: A magical Candy Wonderland full of whimsy, bright pastel colors, and joyful energy that instantly brings smiles to children and families. This world is ruled by happiness—Sprinkles and her candy friends must stay cheerful to spread joy and positivity wherever they go. Story Highlight: Sprinkles, a magical character, travels from Candy Wonderland with her candy...

    €119 Average bid
    199 pályamű

    I'm seeking a Shopify specialist with a strong background in WordPress theme customization. This is an ongoing role where I need assistance primarily with my Shopify store, supplemented by WordPress tasks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Shopify, particularly in theme customization - Proficient in WordPress theme customization - Knowledge of e-commerce best practices - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent communication skills Please note that specific Shopify features or functionalities are not currently in focus. However, I'm open to suggestions and improvements to enhance the site.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    114 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a creative writer to help me craft inviting messages to encourage people to watch my YouTube vlogs. Details: - My channel revolves around food, so the messages should reflect that theme. - The tone of the messages should be casual and friendly. - Ideally, you should have a good understanding of the vlog and YouTube culture, particularly in the food niche. Skills & Experience: - Strong command of the Malay language. - Experience in content creation or social media promotion. - Understanding and passion for food vlogs.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a WordPress expert to customize a theme for an on-demand home services platform. The primary function of the site will be allowing users to book various home services. Key Requirements: - Customization of a WordPress theme to suit a service booking platform - Implementation of a user-friendly interface for service booking - Experience in WordPress theme customization is a must - A portfolio of similar projects will be an advantage Please note: Specific functionality such as a booking system, user profiles, and payment integration will be discussed further. Your ability to understand these requirements and implement them efficiently will be key for the success of this project. Looking forward to your bids.

    €283 Average bid
    €283 licitátlag
    163 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced animator to bring my Illustrator-designed infographic to life with advanced motion graphics. The layout is ready-made, but the animation nee... Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Adobe After Effects or similar software - Strong understanding of design principles - Ability to create visually engaging content Your task will involve creating visually appealing transitions that go beyond the usual fade, slide, or zoom. I'm looking for something more special and modern. You should also be able to incorporate special effects that fit within the theme of the 'Digital Era'. This could include, but is not limited to, particle and glow effects. Your final output should be a polished, professional-quality animation that brings my infographic to life ...

    €39 Average bid
    €39 licitátlag
    29 árajánlat

    ...progress, tougher mobs will become available in different areas. Killing higher-level mobs unlocks access to more dangerous and rewarding zones. Skill-Based Advancement: Players will have the option to level up not only their combat abilities but also their crafting and resource gathering skills. Crafting Skills (Leveling System): Players can gather materials from the environment, defeat mobs, or buy them from NPCs to level up their various crafting skills. This allows the creation of gear, tools, and consumables to aid in survival. Some of the skills could include: Blacksmithing: Leveling blacksmithing allows you to forge swords, shields, and armor. The higher your level, the better gear you can craft. Tools: Hammer, Anvil, Forge. Example: Crafting a basic iron sword at level ...

    €1645 Average bid
    €1645 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a creative graphic designer to produce some tee shirt artwork with a skeleton theme And also a logo. The purpose of this artwork is for merchandise sale for a woman’s line of fishing and beach shirts so it needs to be appealing to a woman’s audience and suitable for a variety of tee shirt styles. Key Requirements: - Create a skeleton-themed design that is unique, eye-catching, and suitable for printing on a tee shirt. - Incorporate specific symbols or logos into the design, which I will provide. These elements should be seamlessly integrated into the overall design. - Provide the final design in a format suitable for printing. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills, with a portfolio of similar work. - Experience designing for merchandise, par...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr licitátlag
    53 árajánlat

    Description: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a bold, detailed, and humorous cartoon-style illustration based on the "AK-47 Haze" concept. The design should feature a comical character made of a cannabis bud, armed with an AK-47, and surrounded by luxury items like cash, diamonds, and accessories. This illustration will be used for branding and merchandise, so it needs to be highly engaging and visually appealing. Key Elements: Main Character: A cartoonish cannabis bud with facial expressions (e.g., laid-back, smug, or humorous). Incorporate details like sunglasses, a chain necklace, and a cigar or joint. Props and Accessories: An AK-47 as a bold central element. Piles of cash, gold chains, diamonds, or luxury-themed items. Playful and vibrant details th...

    €19 Average bid
    67 pályamű

    Hi, I’m looking for someone to design a aesthetic menu BOARD sized at least A3 dimensions similar to the one in the attached picture(Please check the picture before submitting the entry).The theme should be pink or baby pink and white, and the board should be clean and visually appealing. Here’s what I need: • Check for any spelling mistakes and correct them if necessary. • Organize the menu items accordingly, ensuring the main focus is on momo as it is Nepalese food truck and add pictures of the menu items like shown in the attached photo. • You can also create an identical Menu as attached. • Feel free to suggest or use the following formats if they enhance the design: o Example 1: Menu Item: Veg - $price Chicken - $price o Example 2: Veg Menu It...

    €60 Average bid
    48 pályamű

    Create a solana bot able to create coins on [login to view URL] and buy from different wallets and manage all from the bot. (integrated on telegram) • Available as Web Console and telegram (or only telegram). Able to perform on pumpfun and any token on raydium • Create and Manage your token launches all from a convenient console • Manage the volume • Show wallet and % PnL and so I can send sol from phantom to my bot wallet easily (create a address for the bot wallet • Snipe & Farm: buy without being front run and sell by using “exit liquidity”, literally harvest liquidity from the token by selling into buy orders until the market cap drops below a threshold • Stealth Mode: use the build-in SOL mixer to obfuscate ...

    €151 Average bid
    €151 licitátlag
    32 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a platform where users can buy and sell second-hand clothing. Key User Roles: - Buyers - Sellers - Admins Features for Buyers: - Wishlist: A functionality that allows buyers to save items for future consideration. - Order Tracking: A system that keeps buyers updated on the status of their purchases. - Reviews and Ratings: A feature that allows buyers to evaluate their purchases and sellers. - Verifications: A measure to ensure that all transactions and items meet a certain standard of quality and authenticity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio. - Experience in e-commerce platform creation. - Understanding of user interface design. - Knowledge in implementing secure and reliable ...

    €45 Average bid
    €45 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented ghostwriter who can transform my concept into an impactful short non-fiction book. The book will focus on the theme of feminism in the classroom, with the primary goal of inspiring social change. It is targeted primarily at teachers and educators. Key requirements: - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills - Strong understanding of feminism and education - Experience in writing non-fiction, particularly on social issues - Ability to convey complex ideas in an accessible way - Commitment to creating a book that can truly inspire change. I've attached a suggested outline/structure for the book. If you have a passion for feminism and education, and a proven track record in writing compelling non-fiction, I would love to hear from you.

    €63 Average bid
    €63 licitátlag
    42 árajánlat