
Legutóbbi kereséseim
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    Munka státusza
    2,000 twitter bootstrap png munkát találtunk

    Ez nem egy webshop. Sima bemutató oldal. Kaptunk egy B2B API hozzáférést amiben a termékek vannak. Bootstrap rendszerbe vagy wordpress elementorral szeretnénk kiíratni. Mi a menete? Név, Leírás, Kép Dokumentáció:

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 árajánlat

    Laravel projektekre keresek fullstack fejlesztőt. Olyan medior szintű fejlesztőt keresek, aki folyamatosan, állandó jelleggel tud havonta legalább 60-80 órát erre a munkára szánni. A munka változatos, különböző projektek, más-más megoldandó helyzettel. Konkrét feladatot csak akkor tudok mondani, ha már - legalább valamennyire - ismerjük egymást, és tudom, hogy milyen jellegű és szintű feladat ideális a jelentkező számára. Nem kell tökéletesen mindent tudni, mert ha kell, segítséget adunk. A lényeg, hogy olyan szabadúszót keresek, aki nagyjából folyamatosan, heti kb. 2...

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr licitátlag
    46 árajánlat

    Egy magánszemély számára szeretnék logót terveztetni. A cél hogy egy mellkastól felfelé ábrázoló kép legyen. Egy férfi (vámpír) nyitott nevető szájjal. Fején kalap, szakáll és steampunk szemüveg. Az egyik kezében egy könyv, a másikban egy pipa. A logó egy körben lehet elhelyezve fehér háttérrel. Lehet rajzolt fekete -fehér design. PNG formájában lenne rá szükségem, vektorosan (tehát hogy ne pixelesedjen nagyítás esetén). Az arc ihletre mellékeltem képet.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    25 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Design a set of 10 banner
    Véget ért left

    Need a set of 10 banner (psd, ai, jpg and png) with mixing the attached pictures and adding our logo on it with some texts. These banners are going to be placed on a website, advertising different sales like Black Friday, Cyber weekend or Christmas sale. The texts on the banners should be editable. Dimension of the banners: 3020x1600 px 1. Cyber weekend Texts to be on the banner: Cyber hétvége Használja a cyber kupont a 15.000 Ft-os kedvezményért Pictures to be used: 15, 20, 24 2. Black Friday Texts to be on the banner: Black Friday Minden elemes bútorösszeállításra 25.000 Ft kedvezmény a black kuponkóddal Pictures to be used: 6, 7, 22 3. Black November Texts to be on the banner: ...

    €29 Average bid
    47 pályamű
    Magento 2 beállítás
    Véget ért left

    Magento 2 friss telepítése után az alábbi problémák adódtak: - keresés nem működik - termékek nem jelennek meg a katalógus oldalakon - Bootstrap telepítése lenne szükséges Szakembert keresnék a fenti hibák kijavítására

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    A weboldalunk fejlesztéséhez keresünk olyan jelentkezőt, aki frontend és backend terén járatos. Elsősorban apróbb frontend feladatokról van szó, amelyeket a marketing részlegünk határoz meg. A feladatok különböző mérföldkövekhez vannak kötve, így a határidőt ezek határozzák meg. Vannak továbbá komplexebb fejlesztési feladatok is az ol...a határidőt ezek határozzák meg. Vannak továbbá komplexebb fejlesztési feladatok is az oldallal kapcsolatban, mint például új árajánlatkérő rendszer fejlesztése, vagy a webshop részleg kibőv&iac...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Heló a weboldalamat szeretném a pólógrafikákkal bővíteni több kategóriában. Póló grafikai terveket keresek PNG-be és vektoros fájlba 4 színben mokupra lemásolva, Magyarországra optimalizálva és feltöltve. Kategóriánként 10-12 tervet szeretnék Szülinap Család MOZI, FILM, SOROZAT HORROR JÁRMŰ TERMÉSZET RETRO GASZTRÓ SPORT SZERETET, SZERELEM 18+ VICC, POÉN ÜNNEP, ESEMÉNY,

    €63 Average bid
    €63 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    ...részvétel Elvárások:  PHP 5.3+ és jQuery magabiztos ismerete  MySQL ismerete  Adatmodellek és adatbázistervek implementálása, folyamatos optimalizáció  MVC szemlélet  GIT alapos ismerete (Git-flow)  Szakmai angol  Minimum 2 év PHP fejlesztői tapasztalat  Magas munkabírás és stressz tűrő képesség  Szervezett, önálló, precíz és felelősségteljes munkavégzés  Csapatszellem Előnyt jelent  Bootstrap 3  Laravel framework  Less  Mobil alkalmazásfejlesztésben jártasság  Vue script Amit a cég kínál:  Stabil munkahely egy dinamikusan terjeszkedő nemz...

    €2864 Average bid
    €2864 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Folyamatos munkákról lenne szó, mindegyik kis project. Landing pagek főként, sablon alapú bootstrap oldalak ill. saját CMS integrálása 5-6 funkcióval. Korábbi oldalak bővítése, ezekből minden féle van, de ez a ritkább. Heti legalább 10-20 óra munkát tudnék adni, azonnal fizetek, de a legfontosabb az elérhetőség/pontos munkadiő.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    Heti szinten lenne szükség webfejlesztőre, legalább 10-20 munkaórában, távmunkában. A feladatok nagy része, helyi vállalkozások weboldalai, általában egy oldalas reszponzív weblapok, saját CMS-el. Ritkábban, apróbb egyedi fejlesztésű oldalak. Konkrétan a három feladat dominálna: - Bootstrap alapú sablon oldal létrehozása (ollózás), amelyre saját CMS integrálása (a CMS egy megvett, rendezett kódú, keveset tudó CMS), publikálás (heti 1-2 ilyen lenne) - PSD-ből sitebuild, alá szintén a CMS (2 hetente 1 ilyen lenne, 1 oldalas rendezett PSD, &a...

    €164 Average bid
    €164 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Meglevo weboldalhoz es a hozza tartozo facebookhoz az osszes tovabbi kozossegi mediak elkesziteset kernem. Pinterest, twitter, instagram stb stb.

    €110 Average bid
    €110 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    ...hálózattal kapcsolatos alkalmazás fejlesztésében / értesz a video streaming technológiákhoz (pl. webrtc) - szintén előny, ha tudsz Github-on kód részletet mutatni az eddigi munkáidból A frontend fejlesztő irányában a speciális elvárások: - AngularJS haladó szintű, gyakorlati ismerete - ajax / jquery ismeret - webpack ismerete - Javascript, SASS, reszponzív web front-end framework ismeret (Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Angular Material, stb.) - előnyök: Coffescript, Typescript, stb. ismerete / van UX tapasztalatod/érzéked Backend fejlesztő speciális elvárásai: - NodeJS, Loopback ismeret...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    PSD forrásállományból kell statikus html+css-t készíteni.

    €155 Average bid
    €155 licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    Szeretném megoldani, hogy a hírlevelünkre Facebook, Google (esetleg Twitter) fiók segítségével is fel lehessen iratkozni. Ennek a technikai megvalósítására lenne szükségem. Jelenleg meg kell adni az űrlapon a keresztnevet és az email címet. A jelentkezés után PHP script dolgozza fel a megadott értékeket, és MySQL adatbázisban tárolódnak az adatok.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Sziasztok! Folyamatosan bővülő cégünknek Bootstrap technikával foglalkozó designerre lenne szüksége. Elvárások: - Jó érzék a designhoz - Bootstrap közép/magas szintű ismerete - Azonnali kezdés Plussz: - Laravel ismerete

    €476 Average bid
    €476 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat
    Készítsen weboldalt
    Véget ért left

    PHP - mongoDB - bootstrap weboldal. Egy egyszerű webes alkalmazásról lenne szó, ahol a user regisztráció után egy form kitöltésével a tartalmat tároljuk és későbbiekben kereshetünk. Speciális, összetett keresések is kellenek. UI design szempontjából letisztult, minimal bootstrap 3 használata lenne jó. 300 eurom lenne rá. PHP és Javascript keretrendszert nem korlátoznám, tehát ha zend és jquery-ben szeretnéd megoldani a dolgokat, akkor jó elfogadom, de jobban szeretném ha minden natív módban lenne lekódolva.

    €258 Average bid
    €258 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    Szoftverfejlesztőt keresünk, aki webes applikáció fejlesztésében lenne segítségünkre. A feladat: böngésző oldali Javascript fejlesztés, Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework mankójával. Egyelőre projekt jelleggel keresünk munkatársat, az idei év hátralévő részére. Sikeres együttműködés nyitottak vagyunk a későbbi folytatásra is. A munka távolról is végezhető. Minimum heti 20 órás, intenzív, összeszedett munkaidőt várunk el. Fiatalos, lendületesen fejlődő vállalkozás vagyunk, csapatunk jelenleg 7 fős. Elvárásaink: - Javascript: 2+ &e...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat
    Weboldal készítés
    Véget ért left

    Lenne nekünk 5 db menüpontunk, de alapvetően a főoldali interaktív térkép adja az aktivitást. Az oldal főoldalán lenne egy gigapixeles kép szolnokról, rajta p...tovább/bővebben gomb, ahonnan az adott fejlesztés saját kis oldalára érkezünk. A kedves ügyfél nagyon szereti ezt a legörgetős megoldást pl.: Szeretnénk social media eszközöket intergálni: picasa webalbum, youtube videók a csatornáról és a fb bekötést kérnénk mindenhová, h minden oldal, cikk, poszt lájkolható legyen. Az oldalt wordpressben kell összerakni, bootstrap keret vigye a frontot. ...

    €512 Average bid
    €512 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat
    Crypto Platform Targeted SEO & SMM
    6 nap left

    ...technical infrastructure is optimized for search engines. - Creating and promoting high-quality content to drive organic traffic. - Optimizing for location-specific keywords to attract European users. - In-depth keyword research to identify high-traffic search terms. - Ensuring that the website is fully optimized for mobile search. SMM Requirements: - Platforms: Primarily targeting Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. - Strategy: Creating engaging content, fostering community interaction, and enhancing brand visibility. Primary Goal: The main objective of this campaign is to increase our website traffic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO and SMM, preferably within the crypto industry. - Excellent understanding of the European market. - Ability to create s...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat

    ...cartoonish AI avatars - Strong understanding of gender, ethnic, and age diversity - Ability to design neutral expressions Experience: - Prior work with creating diverse cartoonish avatars is preferred - Experience with designing avatars that depict aging is a plus. The avatars should have very detailed features to reflect the progression in age accurately. The final avatars should be delivered in PNG format. The avatars should be in a 3D rendered cartoon style. The avatars should depict aging in 5-year intervals for a detailed age progression. The avatars should have a plain background. The final avatars should be delivered in a resolution of 4K. The avatars should wear formal attire. The avatars should have a plain white background. The avatars should emphasize a Western cultu...

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr licitátlag
    30 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a dedicated Twitter manager for my trading brand, 'Nova Trades'. This role is crucial in boosting engagement on our Twitter account through active interaction and strategic content sharing. Key Responsibilities: - Increasing Audience Interaction: I need someone who can promptly respond to comments and mentions, fostering a sense of community and engagement among our followers. - Running Polls and Surveys: Creative thinking and planning are needed to develop and implement engaging polls and surveys that can capture the interest of our audience and stimulate participation. Content Sharing: - Educational Trading Tips: Sharing insightful, educational content about trading to position our brand as a knowledgeable authority in the field. - Promotional C...

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat
    Shopify Theme Code Modification
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a Shopify expert to modify my theme code. I will provide two PNG graphics for overlay on my Shopify collection and product pages. The visibility of these graphics will depend on product tags, using conditional logic. Specific Requirements: - Graphic A: This will be my clearance graphic. It should overlay on top of a product when I tag it as clearance. - Graphic B: This will be my second graphic, the conditions for this one will be shared later. - If neither tag is present, no graphic should be shown. - The graphics should be positioned at the top-left corner of the product image. Please note: - I will provide the graphics files once I am given the specific size requirements. - The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Shopify...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 licitátlag
    90 árajánlat

    ...will also be acceptable if they are clear and detailed. Let me know if further clarification is needed. The visualizations should be node and relationship diagrams. The expected level of interactivity for the visualizations is as follows: moderate. The visualizations should offer moderate interactivity, such as zooming and filtering options. Additionally, visualizations should be exportable in PNG format. The user configuration interface should follow a simple and minimalistic design. The project should include other support services: in addition to some support. The data summaries should include the number of positive, negative, and mutual selections, as well as additional metrics such as centrality or influence scores. Skills Required: Google Apps Script Development Data Visu...

    €468 Average bid
    €468 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat
    HTML adapted to a template
    6 nap left

    I have an existing HTML site that needs to be adapted to a template. I'm looking for a web developer with strong HTML and Bootstrap skills who can adapt my site seamlessly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and Bootstrap - Experience with website template conversion - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    €26 Average bid
    €26 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a logo that embodies the spirit of the Disruptive Leaders Alliance. The design should be bold and edgy, reflecting our community's commitment to innovation, leadership, and transformation. Key elements to incorporate:innovation,leadership, and transformation. The logo should contribute to a memorable visual identity, helping us stand out and effectively communica...identity - Creativity and innovative thinking I will provide specific colors that I believe will best represent our alliance. Ultimately, I need a design that is modern, impactful, and able to resonate with our community and beyond. The logo should have a minimalist design. The logo should include bold and geometric typography. The final logo delivery should include raster formats such as ...

    €19 Average bid
    40 pályamű

    We are a company specializing in equipment for industrial packaging machinery, and we are looking for a talented designer to create a magnetic sticker that will be provided to all our new clients. The sticker will serve as a us for: Immediate Technical Support High-quality spare parts Assistance with new projects and custom solutions Design Preferences Theme: Industrial, professional, and clean. Colors: Use our brand colors and ensure the design complements the logo. Focus: Creativity is encouraged, but the design must remain practical and easy to read. Deliverables A print-ready file in high resolution (PDF/PNG or similar). Editable source files (e.g., PSD, AI) for potential future adjustments. We are excited to see your creative designs and look forward to working...

    €110 Average bid
    5 pályamű

    Theme: The logo will represent Self-Discovery and Social Matching, blending mystical and symbolic elements. Style: A Symbolic design that conveys depth and meaning, avoiding overly minimalistic or abstract styles. Shape: Incorporate a circle as the dominant geometric elem...or gradients that evoke calmness and introspection. Accent colors like gold or silver for a touch of elegance. Proposed Steps: Concept sketches exploring various symbolic representations of self-discovery. Refinement of the chosen concept, focusing on balance and visual impact. Color studies to ensure the logo aligns with the app's theme and audience. Delivery of logo in multiple formats (vector, PNG, etc.) for versatile use. Would you like me to start by sketching out some conceptual ideas, or refine the...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    ...aspects of the platform. Payment Gateway: Integration with a payment provider for processing payments. 2. Choose the Tech Stack For a scalable and modern platform, you'll need a stack that suits both the frontend and backend development, along with API integrations. Frontend: HTML/CSS/JavaScript: For basic structure and styling. React or Vue.js: For building a dynamic and responsive frontend. Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS: For UI components and responsive design. Backend: Node.js with : For building the server and handling requests. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing user and booking data. APIs: Integration with the Hotelbeds API for retrieving hotel information and bookings. Payment Gateway: Admin Panel: React (for consistency with the frontend) or Vue.js,...

    €520 Average bid
    €520 licitátlag
    114 árajánlat

    I need a professional photo editor to remove glare from a particular photo. The glare is a reflection on a surface, such as a window or mirror. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, preferably Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Experience in retouching and blemish removal. - A keen eye for detail. - Able to deliver high-quality wor... The glare is a reflection on a surface, such as a window or mirror. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, preferably Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Experience in retouching and blemish removal. - A keen eye for detail. - Able to deliver high-quality work within a reasonable timeframe. The final edited photo should be delivered in PNG...

    €66 Average bid
    €66 licitátlag
    91 árajánlat

    Objective Develop a Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) application, a Twitter-like RESTful platform where users can post, browse, and interact with messages on specific topics. The project involves building and deploying the service in virtualized environments using Node.js, , MongoDB, and Docker. Deliverables Fully functional SaaS application. Source code uploaded to a GitHub repository. Documentation covering setup, API design, and testing. Virtual Machine (VM) deployment using Docker. Testing scripts with automation and manual test cases. Technical report describing the implementation. Required Features Authentication: Implement OAuth v2 and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authorization. Allow authorized users to access resources, post messages, and interact with posts. Validate

    €195 Average bid
    €195 licitátlag
    41 árajánlat

    I don’t need a mobile app or payment integration. Website only. Front end has already been developed in Bootstrap HTML 5.3 and is responsive across all devices (check the link). Back end should be Node.js and Postgre SQL   SCOPE OF WORK:   1. User Management User registration with Secure login/logout system Password reset functionality   2. Profile Management Create, edit, and delete profiles Upload and manage photos, blocking, reporting, Likes   3. Matching and Search Implement my Matching algorithm and scoring based on user profile fields/filters Keyword Search with WordNet/Postgre SQL LIKE feature   4.WEB-based Messaging System (Django Channels) Private messaging with group chat feature Read receipts and typing indicators     5. Notif...

    €537 Average bid
    €537 licitátlag
    155 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to create a modern, minimalist logo for my brand. I have specific color schemes and fonts that I would li...Ability to create SEO-optimized logo mockups for web use - Strong typography skills to complement minimalist designs - Proven ability to facilitate and contribute to creative brainstorming sessions - Experience in creating brand guidelines to ensure consistent use of the logo - Ability to collaborate closely with clients for feedback and revisions - Deliver the logo in versatile formats (e.g., .svg, .png, .eps) - Understand and apply modern trends in logo design Please include a portfolio of your previous work, particularly any modern logo designs, in your proposal. The logo should feature abstract elements to align with the mo...

    €25 / hr Average bid
    €25 / hr licitátlag
    140 árajánlat

    ...(text and birds) should be in black, creating a sleek, minimalist aesthetic. 4. Background: The background of the logo should be transparent to ensure clarity and versatility for printing and digital use, to add to video for example. 5. Style: The overall style should feel modern, clean, and professional while maintaining a creative edge. Deliverables: 1. A high-resolution version of the logo in PNG format with a transparent background. 2. The original vector files (e.g., AI, EPS) for scalability. 3. A mockup of how the logo would look on various mediums (optional but appreciated). 4. A high-resolution version of the logo in JPEG format for web use. It should match the attached steel frames as closely as possible. Deadline: I would like to have the logo completed as soon as pos...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 licitátlag
    67 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced 3D visualizer who can enhance our subway station 3D models. Key Tasks: - Edit views to create engaging and realistic perspectives. - Integrate artificial lighting, specifically overhead and floor lights, into the renders. - Produce visuals from the platform view, entrance view and tunnel view. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in 3D rendering software. - Prior ex...convey depth and realism. Please ensure the 3D renders feature high levels of detail for textures, materials, and small architectural elements. The 3D renders should be aligned with the primary purpose of the project, which is university. The project should focus on creating static renders only with no animation or interactivity. The final 3D renders should be delivered as high-quality JPEG or ...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 licitátlag
    24 árajánlat
    Quality Twitter Followers Boost
    6 nap left

    My primary goal on Twitter is to significantly increase my follower count. I'm particularly focused on attracting quality followers. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in organic growth strategies - Proficient in content creation and hashtag optimization - Strong skills in engaging with followers and creating a community I am open to various methods for this project, but the emphasis will be on organic growth. I believe that with the right strategies, we can attract quality followers who are genuinely interested in my content and brand. Please provide examples of your previous work and results in your proposal.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    I have a PNG icon that needs to be resized for TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn & Facebook. Additionally, I need a LinkedIn banner resized for Facebook. The key requirement is that the quality of the icon and banner is not compromised during the resizing process. - Current Format: The icon is in PNG format. - Dimensions: You don't need to worry about specific dimensions, just use the standard dimensions for each platform. - Design Adjustments: There are no design adjustments needed, just pure resizing. The work needs to be completed ASAP. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in graphic design and experience with image editing software. Please ensure to provide high-quality outputs that meet the specifications of each platform.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    96 árajánlat

    ...Development: 2. Implement SEO best practices to ensure the website ranks well in search engines. a) Build a creative and professional website using (or enhance the existing one). b) Ensure the website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions. 2. Social Media Management & Marketing: a) Develop and execute daily social media strategies for platforms like Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and Google. b) Create engaging content and manage ads to generate high-quality leads. c) Monitor performance metrics and optimize campaigns for better results. Requirements: a) Proven experience with and building websites. b) Demonstrated success in social media management and lead generation. c) Strong knowledge of Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, and other major...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a dedicated online store promotion specialist to amplify my website traffic and sales. Given the nature of my project, the perfect candidate will have: - Proficiency in Social Media Marketing, specifically on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - Experience in creating engaging Promotional Posts to capture the attention of potential customers. - Ability to analyze traffic data and assess the effectiveness of different marketing strategies. If you're passionate about e-commerce and have a successful history in online promotions, I would love to hear from you.

    €40 Average bid
    €40 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Full Logo Modernization
    6 nap left

    ...adaptable for use on different background colors. - Provide favicon versions of the logo for web usage. - Include all source files in the final delivery (e.g., AI, PSD). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design background - Proficient in modern, minimalistic design - Experience with flat design - Ability to work with existing brand elements Please provide the final designs in JPEG, PDF and PNG formats....

    €191 Average bid
    Kiemelt Garantált
    613 pályamű

    I'm looking to have a minimalist style logo designed from an image I already have in mind. Requirements: - Convert a reference image into a minimalist logo - Deliver the final design in PNG format - Ensure the logo is compatible for use on a website, print materials, and embroidered items - Provide the final design in vector format (AI, EPS) in addition to PNG. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with a minimalist approach - Expertise in logo design - Proficiency in converting images into logos

    €68 Average bid
    €68 licitátlag
    157 árajánlat

    ...anime-inspired T-shirt designs. Designs must be in high resolution, suitable for T-shirt printing (preferably 300 DPI). Designs should be visually appealing, with clean lines and vibrant colors that resonate with anime fans. Each design should be unique, with a different theme or style, such as characters, scenes, or fan-favorite anime tropes. Files must be delivered in vector format (AI, EPS, or SVG) and PNG for easy use in printing. Budget: $20 - $25 for all 10 designs. Timeline: Please deliver the final designs within 7 days of project initiation. Additional Information: I’m open to creativity, but the designs should remain suitable for casual wear. Preference will be given to designers with a portfolio showcasing anime or similar work. If you're passionate a...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    I have 2 product pack shot images that need editing. The edits include background removal and color correction. The final deliverable should be in PNG format. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in Photoshop - Fast turnaround time - Attention to detail Images must be aligned so they are more or less same angle.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    73 árajánlat application functionality. - Develop and optimize database solutions using SQL Server. - Build responsive and user-friendly UIs with HTML5, Bootstrap, and the Metronic theme. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and deliver high-quality solutions. - Ensure application performance, security, and scalability. Required Skills and Qualifications: - Minimum 3 years of experience with DevExpress XAF. - Proficiency in ASP.NET Core development. - Strong knowledge of SQL Server and database design principles. - Hands-on experience in creating and consuming APIs. - Proficient in front-end development using HTML5, Bootstrap, and Metronic theme. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles and responsive design. - Excellent problem-solving and...

    €2387 Average bid
    €2387 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced social media manager to help me generate leads and boost sales through targeted posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and manage image-focused posts across the specified platforms - Create and optimize content with trending hashtags - Schedule posts for maximum visibility and engagement - Monitor and report on performance metrics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing - Strong visual and text content creation skills - Proficiency in using social media management tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Facebook Creator Studio - Ability to generate leads and boost sales through social media - Excellent communication skills and 24/7 availability for support Please reach out before pla...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    I need a designer to assist me in updating my logo by adding an 'S' to the end of the text. The 'S' should be styled the same as the existing text. The turnaround time for this task is one hour. Deliverables: - Updated logo in EPS, Ai, PDF and PNG formats. (Same as the attached versions) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop Please see Ai, Vector, PDf logos attached Please do not propose a bid unless you are able to complete this task within one hour from the time of acceptance. The 'S' should have no variations or effects, maintaining the exact style as the existing text. Use the same font style and size as the existing text.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 licitátlag
    70 árajánlat

    I am in need of a talented graphic designer who can assist with some minor alterations to my existing logos. The tasks primarily involve reshaping certain elements within the graphics. Key Requirements: - Graphic Designer with a keen eye for detail - Proficient in working with JPEG/PNG formats - Able to quickly turnaround tasks The ideal candidate for this task will have a strong background in graphic design, with the ability to swiftly and accurately reshape elements within the logos. A quick turnaround time is essential, so experience in working under pressure without compromising on quality is a must.

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    72 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a modern, illustrative style logo to update my current one. i need same design with high quality logo. without pixel damage when zooming use font : leauge sparton bold Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Illustrator Experience: - Proven track record in modern and illustrative design - Strong portfolio of icon and symbol creation - Experience with minimalist logo to update my current one. i need same design with high quality logo. without pixel damage when zooming use font : leauge sparton bold Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Illustrator Experience: - Proven track record in modern and illustrative design - Strong portfolio of icon and symbol creation - Experience with minimalist styles need all type of files illustrator file...

    €5 Average bid
    122 pályamű

    I'm in need of a unique, eye-catching, cartoonish-style bird picture set against a nature scene background. This will be used for a social media post, so it should be engaging and shareable. The ideal freelancer will have experi...unique, eye-catching, cartoonish-style bird picture set against a nature scene background. This will be used for a social media post, so it should be engaging and shareable. The ideal freelancer will have experience in creating cartoonish illustrations and a good understanding of social media aesthetics. The bird should appear curious and inquisitive. Please deliver the final illustration in JPEG or PNG format. The tone of the illustration should be playful and fun. The illustration should feature bright and vibrant colors. The illustration should ap...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr licitátlag
    49 árajánlat

    I have 16 images that need professional background removal. The final images should have a transparent background, with only the main subject preserved in each image. These images will be used for print media, so the quality needs to be top-notch. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or similar - Prior experience with background ...image. These images will be used for print media, so the quality needs to be top-notch. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or similar - Prior experience with background removal - Attention to detail to ensure only the main subject is kept - Understanding of print media requirements to ensure quality The final images should be delivered in PNG...

    €1 - €4 / hr
    €1 - €4 / hr
    31 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a marketing expert to help increase sales of my eBook targeted at teenagers and young adults. The ideal candidate should be proficient in social media marketing and email marketing. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in eBook marketing - Expertise in targeting teenagers and young adults - Proficiency in social media and email marketing - A...Ability to create engaging content on different platforms Your primary focus will be to create and implement marketing strategies that will boost sales, leveraging the preferred platforms: social media and email marketing. Experience in understanding and reaching the teenage and young adult demographic will be a key asset in this role. The marketing strategy should primarily focus on Facebook and Twitter. Payment upon sa...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat