Understanding the Different Types of CSS Message Boxes
There are four different types of message boxes that are used by most websites and front-end frameworks
Ez nem egy webshop. Sima bemutató oldal. Kaptunk egy B2B API hozzáférést amiben a termékek vannak. Bootstrap rendszerbe vagy wordpress elementorral szeretnénk kiíratni. Mi a menete? Név, Leírás, Kép Dokumentáció:
Laravel projektekre keresek fullstack fejlesztőt. Olyan medior szintű fejlesztőt keresek, aki folyamatosan, állandó jelleggel tud havonta legalább 60-80 órát erre a munkára szánni. A munka változatos, különböző projektek, más-más megoldandó helyzettel. Konkrét feladatot csak akkor tudok mondani, ha már - legalább valamennyire - ismerjük egymást, és tudom, hogy milyen jellegű és szintű feladat ideális a jelentkező számára. Nem kell tökéletesen mindent tudni, mert ha kell, segítséget adunk. A lényeg, hogy olyan szabadúszót keresek, aki nagyjából folyamatosan, heti kb. 2...
Magento 2 friss telepítése után az alábbi problémák adódtak: - keresés nem működik - termékek nem jelennek meg a katalógus oldalakon - Bootstrap telepítése lenne szükséges Szakembert keresnék a fenti hibák kijavítására
A weboldalunk fejlesztéséhez keresünk olyan jelentkezőt, aki frontend és backend terén járatos. Elsősorban apróbb frontend feladatokról van szó, amelyeket a marketing részlegünk határoz meg. A feladatok különböző mérföldkövekhez vannak kötve, így a határidőt ezek határozzák meg. Vannak továbbá komplexebb fejlesztési feladatok is az ol...a határidőt ezek határozzák meg. Vannak továbbá komplexebb fejlesztési feladatok is az oldallal kapcsolatban, mint például új árajánlatkérő rendszer fejlesztése, vagy a webshop részleg kibőv&iac...
...részvétel Elvárások: PHP 5.3+ és jQuery magabiztos ismerete MySQL ismerete Adatmodellek és adatbázistervek implementálása, folyamatos optimalizáció MVC szemlélet GIT alapos ismerete (Git-flow) Szakmai angol Minimum 2 év PHP fejlesztői tapasztalat Magas munkabírás és stressz tűrő képesség Szervezett, önálló, precíz és felelősségteljes munkavégzés Csapatszellem Előnyt jelent Bootstrap 3 Laravel framework Less Mobil alkalmazásfejlesztésben jártasság Vue script Amit a cég kínál: Stabil munkahely egy dinamikusan terjeszkedő nemz...
Folyamatos munkákról lenne szó, mindegyik kis project. Landing pagek főként, sablon alapú bootstrap oldalak ill. saját CMS integrálása 5-6 funkcióval. Korábbi oldalak bővítése, ezekből minden féle van, de ez a ritkább. Heti legalább 10-20 óra munkát tudnék adni, azonnal fizetek, de a legfontosabb az elérhetőség/pontos munkadiő.
Heti szinten lenne szükség webfejlesztőre, legalább 10-20 munkaórában, távmunkában. A feladatok nagy része, helyi vállalkozások weboldalai, általában egy oldalas reszponzív weblapok, saját CMS-el. Ritkábban, apróbb egyedi fejlesztésű oldalak. Konkrétan a három feladat dominálna: - Bootstrap alapú sablon oldal létrehozása (ollózás), amelyre saját CMS integrálása (a CMS egy megvett, rendezett kódú, keveset tudó CMS), publikálás (heti 1-2 ilyen lenne) - PSD-ből sitebuild, alá szintén a CMS (2 hetente 1 ilyen lenne, 1 oldalas rendezett PSD, &a...
Meglevo weboldalhoz es a hozza tartozo facebookhoz az osszes tovabbi kozossegi mediak elkesziteset kernem. Pinterest, twitter, instagram stb stb.
...hálózattal kapcsolatos alkalmazás fejlesztésében / értesz a video streaming technológiákhoz (pl. webrtc) - szintén előny, ha tudsz Github-on kód részletet mutatni az eddigi munkáidból A frontend fejlesztő irányában a speciális elvárások: - AngularJS haladó szintű, gyakorlati ismerete - ajax / jquery ismeret - webpack ismerete - Javascript, SASS, reszponzív web front-end framework ismeret (Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Angular Material, stb.) - előnyök: Coffescript, Typescript, stb. ismerete / van UX tapasztalatod/érzéked Backend fejlesztő speciális elvárásai: - NodeJS, Loopback ismeret...
PSD forrásállományból kell statikus html+css-t készíteni.
Szeretném megoldani, hogy a hírlevelünkre Facebook, Google (esetleg Twitter) fiók segítségével is fel lehessen iratkozni. Ennek a technikai megvalósítására lenne szükségem. Jelenleg meg kell adni az űrlapon a keresztnevet és az email címet. A jelentkezés után PHP script dolgozza fel a megadott értékeket, és MySQL adatbázisban tárolódnak az adatok.
Sziasztok! Folyamatosan bővülő cégünknek Bootstrap technikával foglalkozó designerre lenne szüksége. Elvárások: - Jó érzék a designhoz - Bootstrap közép/magas szintű ismerete - Azonnali kezdés Plussz: - Laravel ismerete
PHP - mongoDB - bootstrap weboldal. Egy egyszerű webes alkalmazásról lenne szó, ahol a user regisztráció után egy form kitöltésével a tartalmat tároljuk és későbbiekben kereshetünk. Speciális, összetett keresések is kellenek. UI design szempontjából letisztult, minimal bootstrap 3 használata lenne jó. 300 eurom lenne rá. PHP és Javascript keretrendszert nem korlátoznám, tehát ha zend és jquery-ben szeretnéd megoldani a dolgokat, akkor jó elfogadom, de jobban szeretném ha minden natív módban lenne lekódolva.
Szoftverfejlesztőt keresünk, aki webes applikáció fejlesztésében lenne segítségünkre. A feladat: böngésző oldali Javascript fejlesztés, Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework mankójával. Egyelőre projekt jelleggel keresünk munkatársat, az idei év hátralévő részére. Sikeres együttműködés nyitottak vagyunk a későbbi folytatásra is. A munka távolról is végezhető. Minimum heti 20 órás, intenzív, összeszedett munkaidőt várunk el. Fiatalos, lendületesen fejlődő vállalkozás vagyunk, csapatunk jelenleg 7 fős. Elvárásaink: - Javascript: 2+ &e...
Lenne nekünk 5 db menüpontunk, de alapvetően a főoldali interaktív térkép adja az aktivitást. Az oldal főoldalán lenne egy gigapixeles kép szolnokról, rajta p...tovább/bővebben gomb, ahonnan az adott fejlesztés saját kis oldalára érkezünk. A kedves ügyfél nagyon szereti ezt a legörgetős megoldást pl.: Szeretnénk social media eszközöket intergálni: picasa webalbum, youtube videók a csatornáról és a fb bekötést kérnénk mindenhová, h minden oldal, cikk, poszt lájkolható legyen. Az oldalt wordpressben kell összerakni, bootstrap keret vigye a frontot. ...
I'm seeking a professional to assist in uploading and managing my KDP book publishing business. Key Responsibilities: - Uploading and managing my books on KDP - Implementing comprehensive marketing strategies including Social Media, Email and Amazon Ads - Conducting keyword research for book titles and descriptions - Forma...KDP - Implementing comprehensive marketing strategies including Social Media, Email and Amazon Ads - Conducting keyword research for book titles and descriptions - Formatting ebooks for publication - Handling customer reviews and feedback Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with KDP - Proficient in Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and Amazon Ads - Skilled in using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for promotional purposes. in the process of setting ...
I'm seeking help to acquire the Legacy Blue Tick for my brand and website, , primarily to enhance our credibility for users. The platforms in focus are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter. Additionally, I need assistance in getting the Green Tick for the WhatsApp API. Requirements: - Proven track record in social media verification - Understanding of the verification process for the aforementioned platforms - Experience with WhatsApp API Green Tick application - Strategies to enhance brand credibility Your expertise in these areas will greatly assist in elevating our brand's online presence.
I'm aiming to increase my online sales and need an expert to help me focus my efforts on Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Devise strategic sales-oriented campaigns on Twitter - Enhance brand visibility to drive traffic to online store - Implement techniques to improve user engagement and conversion rates Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with social media marketing, particularly on Twitter - Strong understanding of e-commerce and online sales strategies - Excellent communication and creative skills With the right strategy, I'm confident we can significantly boost my sales through this platform.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android-based e-commerce app. The app should include the following features: - Product s...support multiple languages to cater to a broader audience. The design should follow a minimalist theme for a clean and simple user interface. The app should integrate popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or Square. The app should include basic analytics features to track user behavior and app performance. The app should support social media login options such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The app should include email and password authentication. The developer is free to choose the best technologies for this project. The app will include slot booking categories. The app should feature **no** for managing the product inventor...
...app in your country with a single, primary objective: increasing app downloads and subscribers in his country ! Please look at the app information from the link below for better understanding how to advertise ,, App link on the Apple App Store: Key Requirements: - Expertise in engaging and driving traffic from all major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in app promotion - Strong understanding of influencer marketing - Creative and strategic thinking to explore beyond conventional methods - Proficient in leveraging all popular social media platforms to maximise visibility and downloads. Main Goal : Get Downloads and subscribers to my Apps This may become a long term work if you proven
I'm looking to create a social media management website primarily centered around user engagement tools. The site needs to support Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Key features should include comment management, direct messaging, and content sharing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development, particularly with social media API integration. - Experienced in creating user engagement tools. - Knowledgeable in social media trends and user interaction patterns. - Able to deliver a user-friendly, intuitive interface.
...Developing an online store using Core PHP8, MySql8, HTML5, Bootstrap, and JavaScript without any framework. - Implementing essential online store features like a product catalog and search functionality. - Designing client-specific fixed pricing for products without a payment transaction system, admin section, or client account creation. - Cataloging products with descriptions, images, and specifications. I will provide a simple custom database and the logic for the site. Also, the design layout, fonts, colors, etc. will be provided. The site needs to be responsive from wide screen to phone screen. Timely delivery is crucial for this project. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in PHP and MySQL, be proficient in HTML5, Bootstrap, and JavaScript, and have...
I'm seeking a skilled marketing professional to help promote luxury replica watches, bags, and glasses across various social media platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and execute advertising campaigns on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - Create and promote diverse types of content, including images, videos, and text posts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in social media marketing, particularly on the specified platforms. - Experience in the luxury goods sector is a plus. - Creative content creation skills, capable of producing engaging and appealing posts.
I'm seeking a dedicated professional to help market and sell subscriptions through social media platforms, primarily Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven track record in social media marketing - Experience in promoting subscriptions or similar services - Creative mindset to devise engaging marketing strategies - Ability to analyse social media metrics to refine strategies - Excellent communication skills to interact with potential subscribers Freelancers who can propose a comprehensive strategy to boost our subscriptions through these platforms will be highly regarded. The primary target demographic for our subscription service is young adults. Our primary goal is to increase the number of subscribers. The monthly budget for social...
...English and French. Content Management: Set up easy-to-edit sections to allow updates without technical expertise. Lead Generation: Optimize the website to encourage inquiries and conversions, including strong CTAs and user-friendly forms. Blog Section: Include a blog section for news and articles to engage visitors and support SEO. Mobile Friendly: Ensure full responsiveness across devices, using Bootstrap to maintain a consistent, mobile-friendly layout. Optional: SEO Optimized: Ensure the site is fully optimized for search engines in both language versions Further details or website examples can be sent upon request. The website should follow our specific color scheme and branding guidelines. Include forms that collect basic contact information such as name, email, and ph...
I need my existing logo resized for social media. The logo is currently in a JPG format. - Required Dimensions: It needs to be resized to suitable dimensions for Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram, website. - File Format: The logo will need to be saved in a format compatible with these platforms. - Required Dimensions: Include resizing to suitable dimensions for LinkedIn. - Required Dimensions: Include resizing to suitable dimensions for TikTok. - Required Dimensions: Include resizing to suitable dimensions for YouTube channel icon and cover photo. - Required Dimensions: Include resizing to suitable dimensions for Pinterest profile picture. Ideal candidates will have experience with graphic design and knowledge of social media image requirements. Please keep the exact logo'...
...change profile, invoice - contact page with maps option and show company things - product in style type of variant and none variant style - view cart, checkout, confirmation payment - track order, show order details by email and trackno combination - wishlist - guest checkout main features backend backend template: there is already most features added - dashboard show > counting blocks with total orders, registered clients, total products, tickets - show last 10 orders, last 10 registered clients, last 10 tickets, last 10 transactions - show product low quanatity 10 products with auto navigation page 1 2 3 etc - show anaylistcs site, sales, total users on site, new
I am looking for a skilled front-end developer to convert my Figma files into a functional front-end using Bootstrap. Key Requirements: - Implementing a responsive design. - Integrating form validation. - Including interactive elements. - Utilising the Navbar component in Bootstrap. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Bootstrap. - Experience with Figma. - Strong understanding of responsive design. - Ability to implement form validation. - Capability to create interactive elements. :1&node-type=canvas&t=9SH5Lwes6XO4T23u-0&locale=en&type=design
...by a robust portfolio of successful projects. • Implement advanced SEO strategies, optimizing site structure, content, and performance to increase rankings and drive organic traffic. • Collaborate with marketing and content teams to ensure development aligns with SEO, marketing, and conversion goals. • Utilize the latest front-end tools (e.g., React, Vue.js) and CSS frameworks (e.g., Tailwind, Bootstrap) to build responsive, visually engaging user interfaces. • Integrate data analytics (e.g., Google Analytics 4, Hotjar) for performance tracking, ensuring data-driven decisions. • Employ modern performance optimization techniques, such as lazy loading, caching, and CDN, to enhance website speed and scalability. • Follow best practices for secure, scala...
I'm looking to create an informational college website. The site should be built using HTML, CSS, JQuery, and Bootstrap. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, responsive, and attractive college website. - Create the website from scratch without a pre-defined branding guide or color scheme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JQuery, and Bootstrap. - Prior experience designing and developing educational or institutional websites is a plus. - Creative skills to establish a unique branding and color scheme for the site. The website should include 5-10 pages. The website should notice section. One of the pages should feature an 'About Us' section. Add contact forms for admissions inquiries and faculty contact. Include additional ...
...energy. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in graphic design and poster creation - A portfolio that reflects a style that is simple and minimalistic, yet engaging - Understanding of creating content for a friendly and approachable tone While I haven't specified the social media platforms yet, the design should be suitable for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please keep this in mind while designing. I look forward to seeing your creative designs! The poster should be designed in A4 size format. The poster should use a bright and cheerful color scheme to enhance its friendly and approachable tone. Include specific images and icons provided by the client. Include images or icons related to healthy lifestyle choices like spor...
...energy. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in graphic design and poster creation - A portfolio that reflects a style that is simple and minimalistic, yet engaging - Understanding of creating content for a friendly and approachable tone While I haven't specified the social media platforms yet, the design should be suitable for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please keep this in mind while designing. I look forward to seeing your creative designs! The poster should be designed in A4 size format. The poster should use a bright and cheerful color scheme to enhance its friendly and approachable tone. Include specific images and icons provided by the client. Include images or icons related to healthy lifestyle choices like spor...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to build a site similar to useviral.com. The primary purpose of this site is to provide services for social media growth across various platforms including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. Key Requirements: - User Account Management: Users should be able to create accounts, track their progress, and manage their services. - Service Packages Display: The site should clearly showcase different service packages available for purchase. - Secure Payment Gateway: A reliable and secure payment system is a must. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in building e-commerce websites, preferably in the social media growth sector. - Proficiency in web development languages and tools. - Experience with designing s...
I'm seeking a creative professional to design high-quality, luxury and performance car-related images for my social media channels. The primary goal of these posts is to boost brand visibility and recognition. - Platforms: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn - Content Focus: Exclusively high-quality images that capture the essence of luxury and performance cars. - Platforms: Add Twitter to engage with automotive communities and join relevant conversations. Ideal candidates should have significant experience in social media content creation, specifically for luxury brands, and a strong understanding of the automotive industry. Skills in graphic design and a keen eye for aesthetically pleasing imagery are also essential.
...contenido visual y escrito para promocionar Asses de forma atractiva y profesional. - Gestión y activación de Twitter: Crear y ejecutar un plan para activar y optimizar nuestra presencia en Twitter. - Gestión Google My Business: Actualizar y mejorar nuestra presencia online para reflejar correctamente nuestros servicios y valores. - Desarrollar campañas de email marketing: Implementar campañas efectivas de email marketing para captar y nutrir leads. - Desarrollar estrategias SEO. Requisitos: - Experiencia en optimización de procesos de ventas y gestión de leads. - Conocimientos de marketing digital y creación de contenido. - Familiaridad con la gestión de redes sociales, especialmente Twitter. - Experie...
I'm in search of a modern and minimalist graphic designer to bolster my agency's social media presence. Your primary responsibilities will be creating compelling visuals for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong portfolio of modern and minimalist designs - Experience in creating social media graphics - Ability to meet deadlines and manage multiple projects Your creativity and design expertise will play a pivotal role in enhancing our brand's visibility and engagement across these platforms.
I need assistance with sharing my Instagram videos on Twitter with the functionality of them playing automatically. Currently, I am not using any social media management tools, so a solution that works without third-party apps is preferred. Ideal Skills: - Social Media Management - Knowledge of Instagram & Twitter Integration - Experience in Automating Social Media Posts - Familiarity with Video Sharing on Social Media The goal is to enhance my Twitter engagement by seamlessly sharing my Instagram content without the need for my audience to manually hit play.
I'm conducting an academic research project and need assistance with data scraping from various social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Scrape the word "allegedly" from the past year across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube news accounts. Specify which news posts and agencies. - Search for the specific phrase “this is my mental health right now” as comments on youtube, instagram,twitter and provide the context for each as another project - Deliver the clean data in an Excel spreadsheet - Remove duplicate entries from the scraped data Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data scraping and familiar with social media platforms - Experience in academic research - Able to deliver clean and organised data - Prior work with Excel an...
I'm seeking a skilled social media marketer for my kids clothing e-commerce website based in Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Focus on driving traffic to the website primarily via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. - Promote content across these platforms including product photos, customer reviews, and promotional videos. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in social media marketing, with a proven track record of driving website traffic. - Experience in e-commerce, particularly in the children's clothing sector, would be advantageous. - Ability to create engaging content and interact positively with our customer base.
...aligns with your brand. Illustration Style: If applicable, guidance or examples for illustration style that matches your brand. 6. Brand Icons Icon Set: Custom icons for commonly used actions, services, or website features. File Formats: SVG or PNG files, ideally with transparent backgrounds. 7. Social Media Assets Profile Pictures and Cover Photos: Optimized for platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Social Media Templates: Editable templates for consistent posts or stories (e.g., for quotes, announcements). Highlight Covers: Custom highlight covers for Instagram or similar platforms. 8. Business Card & Stationery Design Business Card Template: Design ready for printing, often in AI, EPS, or PDF. Letterhead: Digital or printable letterhead template. Email...
...Social Media Manager to help enhance the online presence of a mission-driven brand focused on promoting diversity and inclusion for young kids through thoughtfully designed products. Our goal is to foster a positive community that celebrates unique cultures and experiences. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and schedule regular posts across various social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) using provided content. - Respond promptly to comments and direct messages to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. - Monitor social media trends and audience interactions to inform strategy and content. - Collaborate with our team to create captivating posts that reflect our brand's values and story. Requirements: - Proven experience in social media management...
I'm looking for an expert in Telegram marketing to help drive sales of my digital products. The target audience is primarily Gamers and Crypto. Your task is to join over hundred major Telegram Groups, build trust, and eventually promote the services of our clients. Additional, when certain groups are also have Twitter channels, make sure you get their attention as well. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in promoting digital products on Telegram - In-depth understanding of the gaming and crypto community - Excellent communication and marketing skills - Ability to create engaging content to drive sales It's a full-time job, working 8 hours a/day. You must speak at least good English, Spanish and other major languages is a plus. Earnings: $300 - $400 a/month + 5...
...I'm looking for a Social Media Content Manager to enhance our brand visibility and product promotion across multiple platforms. This role involves creating and posting content regularly on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a content strategy - Create engaging professional/corporate style images and videos - Schedule and post content regularly Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management - Proficiency in creating high-quality, professional content - Familiarity with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat - Understanding of current social media trends and algorithms. Monthly on going project - Long term job - Daily Posts over a period of a month - your price is ...
I'm looking for a web developer to create a simple one-page website for me. Key Requirements: - It should be build with bootstrap - It should be completely responsive - I have attached a PDF file, the design should exactly look like the pdf.
I'm seeking a talented political graphic designer to create bold and eye-catching social media graphics for my campaign. The focus will primarily be on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Design captivating social media graphics that resonate with the campaign's message and tone. - Ensure the designs are optimized for each specific platform. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for political campaigns. - Strong portfolio of bold and eye-catching designs. - Understanding of the visual language of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. - Ability to deliver high-quality designs under tight deadlines.
I'm looking for a strategic marketing expert to help promote my meme coin with the primary aim of boosting sales. Key Aspects of the Project: - The campaign should primarily focus on social media and influencer partnerships, this includes identifying and collaborating with key influencers in the crypto and meme coin space. - The specific platforms of interest are Twitter, TikTok, Telegram, and Youtube. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in crypto and meme coin marketing. - Strong connections with relevant influencers on the target platforms. - Excellent understanding of social media marketing strategies. - Ability to create engaging content that drives sales.
I am looking for a talented graphics designer who specializes in creating captivating visuals for social media. Specifically, I need designs for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The types of graphics required include post images, story images, and cover/header images. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in social media graphics design. - A portfolio showcasing their ability to create engaging visuals that drive user interaction. - A keen understanding of the design requirements for different social media platforms. Please share previous work examples that you believe are relevant.
...official React UI bindings layer. It lets your React components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update state. 6. Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more. 7. Brevo Messaging API allows to send Transactional email, SMS & WhatsApp via API 8. MongoDB Atlas is an integrated suite of cloud database and data services to accelerate and simplify how you build with data. 9. GitHub allows you to build and ship software on a single, collaborative platform. **Timeline to Follow** 1. Project Meeting : 18 Hrs / 2 Days 2. Struc...
I'm in search of a talented Community Manager to enhance our brand visibility across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X. Your role will encompass creating 25 unique graphics each month, managing our community interactions, devising a comprehensive content calendar, and optimizing our posts for maximum reach and engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies to increase brand awareness through engaging, educational content. - Design 25 monthly graphics that resonate with our audience. - Oversee community interactions to foster a strong, engaged online community. - Create a detailed content calendar to ensure consistent posting and engagement. - Optimize posts for maximum reach and engagement. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in social media management...
...primary objectives for this project are: Achieving 5000 likes on OpenSea for my NFT collection. Generating at least 1 confirmed sale per month. Project Scope: Your main focus will be social media promotion to achieve these targets. This involves creating a tailored marketing plan and executing it across my primary social media platforms. Ideal Skills & Requirements: Proficiency in Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok for NFT marketing. Creativity in crafting engaging posts, stories, and campaigns. Proven experience with successful NFT marketing, driving engagement and sales. While I’m primarily focusing on these platforms, I’m open to other suggestions that may help reach collectors and potential buyers. Budget & Payment Structure: I am s...
There are four different types of message boxes that are used by most websites and front-end frameworks