írta: ingmartinez
Nem támogatott fájlformátum is an hotel search engine that combines all hotel deals, from all major travel websites into one free, quick and easy search. I develop the entire site in PHP Zend Framework, ajax, jquery and javascritp using a webservices with more than 250.000 hotels.

image of username ingmartinez Flag of Argentina Villa Allende, Argentina


Current CTO of important startup. I'm and expert on software development, project management and software quality. Working with technologies such as NET, PHP, Zend Framework, JavaScript, JQuery UI, Ajax, MySQL, Linux, Java and Amazon Web Server. Able to act in a pragmatic view. I always have the big picture in mind and i am able to adapt to changes. I can identify relevant key performance indicators (KPI's) and adjust the processes accordingly. I can motivate a team to excel and set a good example. I have extensive experience in object-oriented development, MySQL and Frameworks.

$30 USD/óra