8 Steps To Writing Copy That Actually Converts

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No matter how good a writer you are, you are not maximising your business potential if your content does not turn site traffic into conversions.

To successfully effect conversions, you need to know how to transform a lead into a profitable sale. You can be selling anything - downloads, software, or educational courses, but it all boils down to how effective your content marketing is.

According to a white paper from Steel house, by perfecting your copy and implementing proper targeting and testing methods, you can improve your conversion rate by a whopping 300%.

It is no surprise that businesses all over the world are investing huge amounts in developing content and copywriting. With an estimated 27 million shares of content by web users every day, businesses invest almost a quarter of their budget on content-marketing strategies and campaigns. With statistics like this, it is obvious why high-quality copy is so crucial for organisations.

A valid question follows immediately; "fine, I realize content is important, but how can I write a really good copy?" Well, the unique art of awesome copywriting actually depends on how well you understand your customer’s mind. If you can trigger an emotion in your customer, persuade them and elicit a positive emotional response, you can always convince them towards a purchase. 

1. Craft Catchy Headlines 

Did you know that most viewers seldom read anything but the headlines? They don't have either the interest or time to read the entire article, so just skim the header. A headline should be interesting enough to grab the reader's attention, and interest them enough to read the full copy. The headline should persuade the reader that reading the article or post is worth their time.

You could benefit from the information shared here: The 5 Rules of Killer Copywriting.

Because of the profusion of content-management platforms like WordPress, it is very easy for anyone to create a blog and express their thoughts. On the flip side, the reader is inundated with so much information that it can be overwhelming. 

Conduct a simple test online on any topic. There will be tens of thousands of pages displayed for you to pick from. An average person has an attention span of 8 seconds, so you can see why you have to use your copywriting prowess to write clear, catchy headlines.

2. Research before you write

If Wikipedia is your primary source of information, you can't expect to go far with your copywriting. 

When you write about a subject, your readers expect you to present it with authentic information from reliable sources. A good copy should have valuable content that is interesting to read, with facts backed by trusted sites. 

Both marketing and copywriting are fields that require thorough research. A good copywriter usually spends a long time looking up authentic sites for data. They perform in-depth research, and present accurate facts. You owe this to your readers, for they value your content on a scale of 1 to 10.

3. Know what interests your audience

If you want to be a successful copywriter, the Content Marketing Institute recommends that you know your audience well and engage their attention. It is important that you create audience or customer personas that will help you learn the right vocabulary to communicate effectively with them.

Find out if the customer you are profiling is the primary or secondary audience, their goals, and interests. You could send out a survey, a questionnaire, or even talk to them directly. Ask the sales and service department about the most common concerns of customers. 

Use this valuable feedback from your target audience, analyze it with the persona you have created, and come up with a winning marketing strategy that incorporates these results. This will result in valuable leads.

4. Honesty begets trust

Do you think twice before you give your money to a well-established business? Probably not! That's because the business or brand has earned your trust over the years by delivering on their promise. The same is the case with copywriting. 

When the readers know you are writing not just to persuade them into believing your idea but to really keep them informed, they will feel they know you. Your honest writing begets the customer's trust. Write articles that foster trust.

Try to project the voice the brand wants to portray to their customers. Some companies need their voice to sound formal and sophisticated, while others may adopt a youthful and lively tone. If you are unsure of the perfect voice, try out various formats and find the one with most impact.

5. Emotion and logic 

Persuasion is the greatest challenge for marketers and copywriters alike. Online persuasion becomes easy when you know what your target customers are looking for. 

Identify your customer’s sore points, so your copy can present your service or product in a way that benefits them. It will let you better persuade them to take the action you want.

Firstly, evoke emotion to help your reader take a decision based on their feelings. Then link those feelings to a logical concept - reciprocity. Your customer will feel they are making an informed and accurate choice. 

6. Dare to be different

Are you tired of writing the type of oh-so-perfect content that's right and proper and appeases everybody, but doesn't work at all? Pause for a while and think differently.

A little bit of controversy can help spice up things. Do you ever hear friends discussing the newest salad spinner in town on a Friday night? People like to hear about things that make them stop in their tracks. 

Be controversial, but with caution. Try not to jump on your industry-bandwagon and agree with all issues. Look at things from a different perspective. Tell your audience what you believe in. Tell them why your belief is justified.

7. Know your channel

The environment where your audience will receive and read your copy is the channel. Even before you plan your copy, know your channel. It will influence the language you use in your copy.

Content, blog post, product description, Facebook status - they all have a different style of writing. Copywriting used to improve on-site conversions will also differ significantly. A landing page will need a long story-like narrative, but a call to action (CTA) will need brief and succinct copy.

Check out the 6 Tools for Creating Fresh Content.

8. Keep it simple

Don't pepper your copy with high-sounding technical jargon. People have a natural tendency to object and switch off. Complicated vocabulary can ward off prospective customers.

Look at the homepage of Crazy Egg. They use simple words that reassure the customer. This is a perfect recipe for a highly converting landing page.

Use the language that will appeal to your target audience. Use a conversational tone. Crafting a seductive copy is like joining the conversation that's playing in your reader's mind. Make your words reflect what the reader needs.


Creating perfect copy is a challenge. That's the reason there are many copywriting wordsmiths on the internet, and elsewhere. Hook your customer with a heading that intrigues, offer solutions, use action-based words, and be honest. Follow the points suggested here, and you are sure to produce compelling content, and eventually conversions.

Identify the pain points of your customers, so your copy can present your service or product in a way that benefits your reader. Now you can better persuade them to take the action you want.

Do you want to write copy that converts casual visitors into loyal customers? Here's the complete copywriting guide you were waiting for!

Közzétéve 18 szeptember, 2017


Sales & Marketing Guru

Edward is the Sales & Marketing Correspondent for Freelancer.com. He is currently based in Sydney, and is a self-confessed ice-cream fan.

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