Losing Your Creative Spark? Try These Apps

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Whether you’re a graphic designer, a photographer, or a fiction writer, there would be days when your mind just goes blank. You may or may not know exactly what causes these creative blocks. They happen once in a while, and they’re normal.

But they’re annoying. As much as you can, you’ll try to escape them because they’re like a curse bound to stop you from doing what you do best — and that is to share your creativity with the world.

apps for creative spark

Luckily, there are apps that can help you keep your creative spark. See which one you think you need to download now.

Find inspiration

Stuck in a rut? What could be easier than searching for inspiration? Look at what other ingenious people have been doing and add them to your design pegs. Check out Behance and its global community of artists showcasing inventive work.

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(Behance is available on Google Play and the App Store)

Before you start your day or maybe in between your tasks, watch a TED talk. There’s a bunch of videos that can inspire or challenge you. For sure there’s something you can learn from Amy Tan’s talk on how she discovered her creative process.

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(Find TED on Google Play and the App Store)

Generate new ideas

Get your creative juices flowing with simple and random activities. Brainsparker lets you brainstorm fresh ideas to pull you out of a rut.

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(Download Brainsparker for Android or iOS)

Keep newfound concepts

Has something recently sparked your imagination? Save that image or logo design on Paper, the most fun way to keep and share notes, photos, or sketches. It’s good to keep this app handy so the next time you run out of input, you can easily find inspiration from your collected concepts.


(Get your Paper on the App Store)

Organize your thoughts

Maybe your dilemma is not about producing new ideas but arranging the ones that are actually great and are already existing in your mind. Maybe SimpleMind is all you need to organize that jungle of thoughts.

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(SimpleMind is available on Google Play and the App Store)

It could be a mental block or an emotional barrier that’s stopping you from completing your work. Getting stuck is common. If it happens too often, find a fresh perspective in the way you work with Unstuck.

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(Find Unstuck on the App Store)

Draw or Doodle

Have you tried Doodle.ly? Give your virtual pen the freedom to express your ingenuity. Sometimes, the only way to regain your creative spark is to let your imagination flow freely. Loosen up and watch ideas jump right back in.


(Doodle.ly is on the App Store)

Listen to music

Music has powerful effects on our brains and helps us get in the creative zone. What genre are you fond of listening to while working? If you still can’t complete your design process even if your favorite tracks are playing on repeat, better check if you have the right kind of songs on your playlist. Find songs on Spotify that can help boost your artistry.

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(Download Spotify on Google Play or the App Store)

Is that mock design for a mobile app due next week but you haven’t started anything yet? Try the apps above to ignite your creativity. Also, there are many methods to unlock creativity. Larry Kim shares nine ways, which you can start in the next 10 minutes.

When you’re back on track and you’re creativity is up 100 percent, find projects you can bid on today.



Közzétéve 19 április, 2017

flDyan Stáb

Junior Product Marketing Manager at Freelancer. Outside of work, I'm into wedding coordination, entrepreneurship, beach trips, badminton, reading novels, and binge-watching TV series on Netflix.

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