Traditional Learning vs. e-Learning

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With the rise of schools and universities offering a vast array of online courses that are at par with the curriculum of courses offered traditionally, which one is the best route to take? Some argue that traditional learning is the way to go as the learning models or structure is more established and proven. However, some say that e-learning can just be as effective, while being more efficient.

Each learning style is different, but they have only one aim, and that is to impart knowledge. It all boils down to the student's preference. In this article, we have listed three advantages of each learning method to help you decide where to put your time and money.

Classroom Learning

Even with online learning competition, the good old classroom setting never lost its flair to many. While the growth of students taking online courses has greatly increased, most of them are still enrolled in some traditional classes*. Here are some reasons why:

  1. It's on-the-spot – Students are able to ask subject matter experts questions and get answers right away. At the same time, mistakes or misapprehensions may be instantly corrected. It also gives students the opportunity to engage topics that are outside the scope of the course. Face-to-face interaction or in-person conversation as well as trainers who make classes engaging and interesting are essentially the icing on the cake for the traditional method.

  2. The environment is stimulating – Not only is there a sense of urgency and competition but social interaction can help mold one's personality. This is also for those who also want to experience the dorm or university life or be involved in clubs and associations.

  3. It offers a fixed structure – Discipline combined with a set structure offers a foolproof method for completing coursework on time. If you are the type of student who needs pressure to keep up, stick to classroom learning. The fixed classroom setting also offers familiarity -- great for those who don't wish to leave their comfort zones.

Online Learning

From the Ivy League to community colleges, enrollees of online classes have gained momentum. Here's why:

  1. It offers flexibility – Online courses are great for those who are committed to work or family. It allows you to work at your own pace, at your own time, as opposed to attending lectures at set schedules. This type of learning will also benefit those who travel frequently or live far away from universities.

  2. It extends classroom reach – Similar to one's reach through social media, students in online classes are connected to a global network. They get to post and get feedback from bulletin boards, join chatroom and mailing lists, and most of all reach a more diverse group of students.

  3. The classes are paced accordingly – Depending on the class taken, the student can pick self-paced classes, wherein they won't have to keep up with the majority. This option is a great alternative for learners who want to study at their own pace. Since this is an individual task, the instructor must continuously motivate and provide feedback.


Közzétéve 10 február, 2015

Nikki Hernandez

Wired and Inspired | Content Coordinator,

I'm the coordinator of Freelancer's Case Study Program. I write inspirational success stories of employers and freelancers. When not busy writing, I play video games.

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