Create some manufacturing drawings from STEP files

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $30
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 11
  • Nyertes: charlemagne9

A verseny összegzése

In the attachement, you find four step files:

Create a manufacturing drawing for each of these step files.
The file format of the drawings has to be DXF V15, NOT DWG format.
The file drawing-style.DXF is an example file, which shows how the style of the generated drawings should look like.

There is a further file, in dxf format:

This is a very simple part.
Add all dimensions etc. that the dxf drawing becomes a full manufacturing drawing.
Create a 3-D step file of this part.

Check the finished drawings carefully. Only the first PERFECT file set wins.
When you finished everything, put the files in a zip archive with your freelancer name.
Make a dummy entry. I will then contact you via private chat where you can upload the zip file for checking.

Thank you!

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Perfect, thank you!”

Profilkép Thierry0, Switzerland.

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