Design a report based on a personality profile

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $300
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 30
  • Nyertes: Jaonoo

A verseny összegzése

Attached is a report that is generated from a Strengths Finder personality profile. It consists of three parts: Industries and Roles, Leadership and Management. I would like a report that will be delivered as a PDF that formats this into an attractive and easy to read report. I am attaching a logo for the company that will be providing the reports and I would like for the colors used in the report to work with the color scheme of the logo. We also have an icon for the report that I would like integrated as well.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

További hozzászólások

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