Logo For a New Fitness Brand

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $40
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 142

A verseny összegzése

We need that you create for us a killer logo design for our new brand, the name of the brand is SweatSpark and we are selling products in the fitness space such as sweat vest, sweat gel and we are planning to sell supplements in the future.

- Don't create the logo with aggressive font because our customers are beginners and not a pro
- Our audience are beginners don't make the logo too dramatics
- I add a file with a logo that I like but don't make it too similar!

SweatSpark Ideal Customer

• The ideal customer for SweatSpark feels they have a really busy schedule. There simply isn’t enough time to get any sort of workout in.

• In spite of that busy schedule, they have a need to be seen as successful. They realize that going through life
overweight, with low energy, is not enough for them to feel good about themselves.

• Their primary motivation comes from a place of fear. They realize that if they keep going the way they’ve
been going that there is a chance they won’t be able to be around for their friends and family. On bad days –
which are days where they don’t achieve what they set out to accomplish – they feel like a loser, someone
whose idea of themselves doesn’t match the reality.

• But the positive side of that motivation is they truly have a desire to get better, to feel better about
themselves. And beyond getting better for themselves, they want to get better for the people around them.
They feel by sharing their journey, they can inspire the people around them that they care about most –
children, parents, siblings, or friends.

• Right now they suffer from a lack of willpower to really start this journey in earnest – not because they don’t
have that willpower within them, but because it’s been so long since they had a “win” in the areas of diet, health, and fitness.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

További hozzászólások

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