Logo for a West Coast Boogie music band

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 41
  • Nyertes: gustavosaffo

A verseny összegzése

Hi Guys,

We are a start-up music band playing old type (rock 'n roll, boogie-woogie, blues) music. All of us passionately love this music. The name of the band is "Huba & The Hozentrogers" and it refers to the suspenders (hozentroger in German) that all of us are wearing during our shows and which is an important element of our outfit. Please see the attached images of the band.

We don't have a band logo yet, and that is what I would like you to design for us.

As a help I attached few logo ideas I just kind of scribbled but you don't have to use these ones, please feel free to come up with much better ideas. Also, I attached two of our recordings for reference to feel the style of the music & band.

We have the following instruments in the band:
- Vocals
- Harmonica ("Mississippi saxophone")
- Drums
- Electric double bass
- Guitar

Because the suspenders are a significant part of our image, I think it should somehow appear on the logo.

UPDATE: The sound and virtuoso playing of the harmonica is one of the unique features of the band, so you might also refer to that somehow on the logo

Thank you for your help in advance.


Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Gustavo is a highly qualified professional. It was easy and great working with him.”

Profilkép hubaszalay, Hungary.

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