Logo for Tripp Fontane

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $10
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 10
  • Nyertes: dewyu

A verseny összegzése

Tripp Fontane (myself) is a poet, comedian, and emcee. My work centers heavily on identity as it pertains to socioeconomic status and marginalization. My style of performance is remnant to old southern Baptist preachers. My content is a love triangle between James Baldwin, Kendrick Lamar, and Audre Lorde.

For me, a perfect logo represents my style. In my writing and fashion choices, I merge urban simplicity with high class sophistication. I'm heavily inspired by modernism in urban architecture and how it shows up in urban spaces. Earth tones and pastels are my preferred color palettes. Regarding font, I'd like something bold but elegant.

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“The logo was clean and the transfer of the files was seamless!”

Profilkép TrippFontane, United States.

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