2 Minute Crypto Commercial

  • Állapot: Pending
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 5
  • Nyertes: gomezromit

A verseny összegzése

A 2 minute video of clips of media talking about crypto. News channels, celebrities, millionairs. Similar to the below youtube video but instead of movie clips, actual people from the news/talk shows/ and video. Each clip should mention either crypto in general or a certain coin like example, Bitcoin Ethereum XLM XRP. At the end of the video a blank white screen with a sentence in black "Start buying crypto today with the link in the description and get $10 in Bitcoin".

Key words in the clips: Doesn't have to be exact but clips that tend to hype crypto.
Crypto Boom
Crypto is taking over
Bitcoin is getting higher
The new wave
The next big thing

low back ground percussion music. No melody no singing just percussions. Base drum, snare, cymbal
music example - please make sure music is not copy-written or free to use.

video example

Ajánlott készségek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

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