Negative space logo for mens lifestyle magazine

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $70
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 15
  • Nyertes: banigandlapati

A verseny összegzése

I am after a logo for my men's lifestyle magazine that uses the negative space design technique.

The caricature in the logo needs to convey the ideal men's lifestyle with a playful attitude, and the brand will then use the contemporary negative space technique to also represent satisfaction.

To provide an example of what we after, it needs to convey the same message as the playboy logo (playboy.png).

We would like the caricature to be of an executive looking man looking side on in a bowler hat, like the bowler hat in bowler.png as it looks playful.

The face should not be made out of a beard however and instead should use the hat, and the outfit below the hat to give the face outline (like in outline.png). If a hairstyle is used below the hat, the hairstyle needs to be sophisticated however.

For facial elements we are thinking of either sunglasses and a cheeky smirk, or a moustache and monocle (like in monocle.jpg but without the eye in the monocle).

We would like the outfit to consist of a partial suit and a bow tie, kind of like in suit.png, but replacing the neck tie with a bow tie.

The site currently has a white background, but as we are after a mono-color negative space logo, we suspect the logo will work on black and white backgrounds.

We are always highly involved in our contests and with our contestants, and look forward to working with all of you.

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Excellent. Great quality work.”

Profilkép alexaweb, Australia.

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    please check #8

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