Persuasive Contracts

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 22
  • Nyertes: Rushign

A verseny összegzése

I would like a man sitting at a table writing the words Persuasive Contracts on some papers. He is like in a office at a desk and and there is a man standing in front of the desk but you can’t see the whole man just the bottom half of him. I would like the picture drawn from like behind and over top on the man writing on the paper. I would like to see the word Persuasive Contracts. I need for the words to be written sloppy as if he was under pressure to sign a contract.
@Rushign has the closest to what I would like done. I just need the men to be well dressed African American men. No faces, real life type images, the premise is that the guy standing there is forcing the other guy to sign the contract.

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“Good work, and responds back immediately ”

Profilkép TyeMease, United States.

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