Photoshop attractive LED headlights onto golf cart

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 11
  • Nyertes: ibramaulana

A verseny összegzése

Our new golf cart has modern LED lights like modern cars. For our website and our brochure we need one picture to show headlight is very attractive.
The picture called "Glamour headlight example" is to show the style. It is just guide for inspiration.
The picture called "Good example of style" is also just for inspiration.
The picture called "Front body show " is an actual cart but it is base model. It is so you can use the shapes if you need.
The pictures called "Bug eye Front actual" is the real body and real light to help you make style.
The picture called "My bad try front light" is just to help you see what we need.
The picture called "9mb" is the main picture we will use on the website. But we need the light picture to be different angle. I hope you know what I mean. Please ask if i need to explain. Need this picture to be very attractive to show the very modern lights. Need pictures of light on red cart, blue, black and white. With stripes and without. Maybe submit a quick try so I can explain what needed.

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A verseny legjobb pályaművei

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Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • RUHUL3
    • 4 év telt el

    "Front body show " missing

    • 4 év telt el

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