Poster design for wellcure - Heal Your Hair

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: ₹500
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 23
  • Nyertes: AchiverDesigner

A verseny összegzése

We need a poster to be made, Containing steps to heal hair along with the heading and other description. Please use good and free pics of hair from the net, attaching some related to every point.
Also need the Wellcure logo, website - and the app download logos of playstore and app store. Attaching a sample poster with relevant files.
Please make it in a way that people share the poster with others on social media and put it on their desks or kitchen. (to be able to read them everyday)

Poster text starts -

Heal Your Hair

Keep your hair on and read on.

Reasons for hairfall
- Excess hairfall can mean that the body does not have enough reserves to address the needs of the hair.
- Underlying medical conditions like PCOD, thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances.
- Stress and no time for rest can cause premature greying and thinning of hair.
- A diet high in processed foods, sugar, refined grains, oils and animal products.
- Hard water & harsh chemicals in shampoos damage the hair shaft and follicle.
- Pollutants in air settle on the hair making it grimy, brittle and cause toxicity.
- Over treatment of hair with hair colourants, application of heat, tight braids and hair styling products damage the hair resulting in hairfall.

How can hairfall be reversed?
- Water rich fruits and vegetables in raw form, sprouts, nuts & seeds nourish the cells of the hair.
- Exercise to improve blood circulation and aid in toxin removal.
- Outdoor time to soak in sunlight and fresh air.
- Get good quality sleep everyday and adopt stress management techniques.
- Repair and growth happens best in a relaxed state.

Care of hair
- Use a soft bristled brush to distribute natural oil uniformly, dislodge dandruff and dirt.
- Massage your hair with your fingertips to stimulate good blood circulation.
- Bathe in lukewarm or cold water. Avoid using hot water as it reduces hair oils.
- Use coconut milk, fruit purees or reetha. Normal water is fine too.
- Dry your hair in sunlight as opposed to a hair dryer.
- Buy hair products which has more natural ingredients than chemicals.
- Shoulder & neck rotations improve circulation of nutrients to the hair follicles.

It may take time to see results. The hairfall you see today is the result of wrong lifestyle. Be patient and you will experience improvements in your crowning glory.

- Poster text ends.

please put relevant free pictures related to the topic and make the poster as attractive to the eye as possible.
Please put bullet points.
- poster size - A3

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“creative , professional and good communication skills”

Profilkép internwellcure, India.

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

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  • nurnahid
    • 5 év telt el

    please check my entry #20 #21

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  • Anojka
    • 5 év telt el


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  • shompamoni787
    • 5 év telt el

    sir kindly check my entry #16

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  • Rinkamimefu
    • 5 év telt el


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  • Mohamed4Ahmed
    • 5 év telt el

    Do you know that freelancer take commission 5$ in any contest? so you want a design for 2$?


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