Speed Up SubhaVaastu Website

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $34
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 1

A verseny összegzése

My website www.SubhaVaastu.com built in JOOMLA is an educational information website. Constantly it is updating very regularly. We are facing some issues like website slow opening, Css and Java scripts minify issues are the main issues which should be fixed first. Here the freelancer has to do these services.

1. Has to clear off all the Css and JS scripts, minify them.
2. Require to open site below 3 seconds. Now it went from 5.212 to 7 seconds. Some times it opens 2.423 seconds too. Index page is showing different and inner pages are showing different.
3. Has to resolve all the issues in the webmaster tools. Will provide full access to them at webmaster tools.
4. What are the other techniques which site has to load fast.
Let read all of my requirements and quote your price. My quotation is 30 USD.

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