Caricature of the number '4' to illustrate a puzzle book

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $250
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 35
  • Nyertes: german84

A verseny összegzése

We require several versions of a caricature of the number '4' to illustrate a booklet of crossword-like puzzles.

The number 4 character should be:
-- Somewhat like the two enclosed examples, but of your own ORIGINAL design
-- Male-like
-- 5"H x 7"V (127mm x 178mm), 300dpi
-- In black-and-white (gray scale)
-- 3-dimensional figure is preferred, but will evaluate a 2-d figure.

For the complete project, use your imagination to come up with an original character '4' that can display the following 5 emotions:

1. A puzzle solver waving to you, pencil in hand and ready to have fun (we will need a color version of this, as well)
2. Puzzle solver is Happy at first, solving an easy puzzle
3. Beginning to become concerned that the puzzle is more difficult
4. Visibly distressed that he can't solve the puzzle
5. Finally becoming insane and tearing hair out

Please submit a sketch of your character with one of the above emotions. We will make a decision from that single submission. The project requires 6 submissions (5 B&W, 1 Color).

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“German showed exceptional creativity interpreting my verbal description of 5 caricature figures. He was quick to create sketches and the final product, with no modifications needed. German delivered a very professional result.”

Profilkép MadmanOmega, United States.

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

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